How foolish it is to focus on our weaknesses and troubles, thereby giving them more power than they deserve. Lord, I ask for your wisdom and guidance in what I put into my mind.
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The source of courage is having a deep sense of God's presence and hearing Him say, "I am with you always." Lord, You are my solution. You are with me always giving me all that I need.
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Today is far too short to visit with all the friends you want to see, to read all that you want to read, to think all that you want to think, to do all that you want to do. Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful day and for the privilege of spending it as I choose. May I spend it wisely.
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Through God we have the power to triumph over even the most hopeless of tragedies. Lord, You have said, "Ask and You shall receive", so I ask that You will prepare me day by day to triumph in my dark hours.