Ladies all too often I hear women say that they don't like something about a guy but they can change him. IE He runs around but I will get him to settle down. He is sloppy but I can fix him up. I get the impression ladies love a project. lets fix him up. Do you really think that you can change a man?
I think the best way to word this is that a woman can voice her dislike for certain attitudes about the man and IF the man care enough or respect her, he will try to drop that attitude etc.
If its not something pleasing or not something that is a bit too much then a man or a woman can change each other. U have to note that there are changes for the best as well as changes for the bad.
Crazy I am not talking about leaving the toilet seat up. We all have our likes and dislikes as individuals and in relationships there has to be room for compromise. I am talking about changing who you are as person to fit their imagined ideal.
hear wa me seh... no1 can change, like the weather! some guys aren't players.. jus act dat way probly cuz a girl cheated pon dem or sumthin.. xxn... u like a person 4 who they are and relationship nuh work wen u find out how dem really stay... dats y u mus b urself... SO, NO WOMAN CAN CHANGE A MAN