Ho-ho-ho is a no-no for store's Santa Claus - because it is 'offensive to women'
A shop has sacked its Santa Claus for saying Ho-ho-ho.
John Oakes, 70, got his marching orders after the store decreed that women might be offended because 'ho' is American slang for a whore.
Instead, he was supposed to say Ha-ha-ha.
"They're are trying to kill the spirit of Christmas," said Mr Oakes, who has been a Santa for ten years.
He was also found guilty of singing Jingle Bells at the Myer department store in Cairns, Northern Australia.
He said: "The manager told me my services were no longer required.
"When I asked her why, she replied, 'You said Ho-ho-ho and that's not appropriate'.
"Not appropriate? How long has Santa been calling Hohoho, for goodness sake?
"She also said I wasn't supposed to sing."
A spokesman for the store insisted the elderly Santa was dismissed because of 'his attitude' and not for his Ho-hohoing.
"Our Santas are not banned from using the term," he insisted.
Mr Oakes, who is looking for a new job as Santa, says he is prepared to sing, shout Ho or Ha.
But he draws the line at clambering down chimneys.