This is perhaps one of Jamaica most famous myth, hot a temped boyfriend utter word of this nature in an attempt to get some at the beach or pool or any large body of water they find themselves in. but is it true? Research on this topic has been done and the results may surprise you.
It is taught in sex education classes that anytime sperm and penetration coincide there is a possibility of getting pregnant. It is possible for a woman to get pregnant without even having sexual intercourse, but the sperm has to reach the egg in order for her to become pregnant. Good now that class is out of the way can this actually happen?
The Chemical Facts
No one on was willing to go to a beach and test this theory in a real life scenario, but according to William Richards a studying scientist at the University of the West Indies Jamaica, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, The pH of seminal fluid is roughly between pH 7.2-7.8 based on diet and health situations, ok William whats pH again?. Lets go back to class.
The pH (power of Hydrogen) of a solution is determined by measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions and is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. A solution with a high concentration of hydrogen ions is acidic, with a pH between 0 and 7. A solution with a large number of hydroxyl ions is an alkaline or basic solution with a pH ranging from 7 to 14 (Greene, 1998). Survival of living organism on a pH level is dependent on the compatibility of their pH balance.
The Verdict
Ocean water generally has a PH between 8 and 9 and is, therefore, if the pH of the salt water no preferably ocean water (PH 8.0 - 9.0) is comparable to the PH of seminal fluid (PH 7.2 - 7.8), then the chance of survival does exist. In this case they are not, so sperm will die in ocean water. But guys dont go celebrating just yet cause we both know your sperm are not interested in the salt water.
So there you have the science behind it sperm can't live in ocean water but its important to remember that most important rule from sex education classes. Anytime sperm and penetration coincide there is a possibility of getting pregnant. And based on this site of argument we deemed the myth exactly what it is. A MYTH
This is an obvious myth to me. Once a man has deeply penetrated the woman and ejaculates, most of the sperm collects at the cervix and goes into the woman's womb area. Chances are that the ocean water and sperm will not mix together during intercourse.
Knowing is not enough. We must apply - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Its Both fact and myth at the same time. Fact because like what Figs said from him bruk inna har it a go run up in her. but its also myth because as in the explanation sperm cant survive in sea water. CHIAO
Dubito Ergo Cogito, Cogito Ergo Sum.