The Blu-ray publicity engine may seem like a well-oiled, media mean machine that pulls incredible consumer uptake stats from the ether, but it seems someone forgot to tell American PS3 owners.
Two-in-five owners of the PS3 dont know it has a Blu-ray drive and can play high-def movies. Even worse, half of respondents to the NPD Group survey said they know about the Blu-ray drive but havent bothered watching any HD movies on it yet.
Worst of all, 50% didnt even know that a PS3 was capable of high-def graphics.
However, before you guffaw at the silly PS3 customers, the HD knowledge of the typical Xbox 360 owner polled even worse. Just 30% of 360 owners knew about the consoles HD abilities.
Is seems Sonys media engine needs a little more grease and it could no worse than sprucing up its new, yet low-rent looking, European promotional Blu-ray site