If you see your password below, STOP!
Do not finish reading this post and immediately go change your password -- before you forget. You will probably make changes in several places since passwords tend to be reused for multiple accounts.
Here are two lists, the first compiled by SplashData:
1. password
2. 123456
4. qwerty
5. abc123
6. monkey
7. 1234567
8. letmein
9. trustno1
10. dragon
11. baseball
12. 111111
13. iloveyou
14. master
15. sunshine
16. ashley
17. bailey
18. passw0rd
19. shadow
20. 123123
21. 654321
22. superman
23. qazwsx
24. michael
25. football
Last year, Imperva looked at 32 million passwords stolen from RockYou, a hacked website, and released its own Top 10 "worst" list:
1. 123456
2. 12345
3. 123456789
4. Password
5. iloveyou
6. princess
7. rockyou
8. 1234567
9. 12345678
10. abc123
If you've gotten this far and don't see any of your passwords, that's good news. But, note that complex passwords combining letters and numbers, such as passw0rd (with the "o" replaced by a zero) are starting to get onto the 2011 list. abc123 is a mixed password that showed up on both lists.
Last year, Imperva provided a list of password best practices, created by NASA to help its users protect their rocket science, they include:
It should contain at least eight characters
It should contain a mix of four different types of characters - upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters such as !@#$%^&*,;" If there is only one letter or special character, it should not be either the first or last character in the password.
It should not be a name, a slang word, or any word in the dictionary. It should not include any part of your name or your e-mail address.
Following that advice, of course, means you'll create a password that will be impossible, unless you try a trick credited to security guru Bruce Schneir: Turn a sentence into a password.
For example, "Now I lay me down to sleep" might become nilmDOWN2s, a 10-character password that won't be found in any dictionary.
Can't remember that password? Schneir says it's OK to write it down and put it in your wallet, or better yet keep a hint in your wallet. Just don't also include a list of the sites and services that password works with. Try to use a different password on every service, but if you can't do that, at least develop a set of passwords that you use at different sites.
This approach is best used in the winter. Before an exam you should write a whole bunch of information you think is important on you forearms. Then put on a long-sleeved shirt to cover your arms. Make sure to get a seat in the middle of the room, so a teacher may not get a good look at you rolling up your sleeve for a minute. The rest is obvious.
A very easy way to cheat on exams is to wear a hat (preferably a baseball one) forward. With your eyes concealed from a surveying teacher's view, you can glance over to the exam of the person next to you. The good old "wandering eyes method," but without the worries of the instructor saying "Keep your eyes on your own paper" because he cannot see your eyes. But beware of those teachers who walk around, make sure to sneak a peek at where they are to minimize your chances of getting caught. Jeff (*****@*****.edu) adds that, "At my school, the most popular way for guys to cheat was similar to your 'hat trick.' They would make a crib sheet, and then tape it on the underside of the bill. The way guys wear their hats so low on their heads, most of the teachers still haven't figured it out. Just be careful you don't tilt your head too far back or your notes will be revealed." And especially don't wear your hat backwards, then you can't read your notes.
Very simple and to the point. There is one sure fire way to cheat on an exam, and that is to write on the desk. This is best used for math/science exams or some multiple choice. When the instructor is still not ready to start the exam, and you are still allowed to have books out, write a few quick notes on the desk. If the instructor comes by during the exam just push your papers over it, and when its all over just rub it off with your hand to destroy the evidence.
Sometimes instructors have tissues on their desk. This mainly works sometime after a few people have turned in their exams. So during an exam make like you are sick: cough, gag, blow your nose, basically do anything to give you an excuse to get up and take a tissue from the teacher's desk. No teacher would ever say no to a student coming up and asking for a tissue. But while you're up there sneak a peek of the tests people already handed in. Remember what you saw and write what someone else already wrote, but be sure to footnote!
This is an old method that still is undetectable. Sit next to a friend who knows what is going on in class, or pay some stranger off, and take the test next to this person. When they finish, which will be way before you because you haven't got a clue as to what is going on, have them sit back and hold their exam up so you have full view of their answers. Copy away!
Make sure to bring all of your notes to the exam. Get there early at least in time to have a lot of seats to choose from to sit in. Get your notes out and place your backpack on the floor by your feet. When the instructor calls for everyone to put their notes in their bags, be sure to place yours so that you can see your notes from taking the test. Pull the sides of your bag up so that it makes a protective wall around your notes so no one can see your notes but you. It's like taking an open book test, but not.
Everyone likes to chew gum, well except those weird people on the cinnaburst commercials, and depending on the teacher most will let you chew it in class. So before the test write all the information you think you will need, and even some you don't need, on the inside of your gums wrappers. When you get stuck reach for a piece of gum, chew and cheat away. No one will ever think that Wrigley's gum was an accomplice to your cheating, if they did than your teacher is very clever. Always keep one with no notes in case your teacher questions you, and you should offer him a piece of gum as a gesture of good faith. Tell him, "Ok I'll give you a piece, but how would some guy at the candy factory know what I needed to know for your test! Unless you know the guys at the factory and tried to set me up!" This also works well on cough drops with paper wrappers especially since a teacher usually has no problem with cough drops.
There is always the age old method of using a crib sheet. To do this you need to take an tiny piece of paper, say smaller than a 3x5 index card and jam every piece of information that you think will come in handy on it. Bring it to the exam, and keep it hidden either with the exam papers or in the palm of your hand. The Phantom (*****@*****.uk) adds that a very effective way to conceal a crib sheet is to wrap your wrist with some gauze or bandage. You can write on the bandage or slip a crib note in their. He goes on to say that another good way to cheat is to hide crib notes inside the casings of a pen that unscrews. Nihilist (*****@*****.net) writes us about how he and the *entire* rest of my class got through 3 years of Japanese with straight A's and not knowing ONE DAMN THING with many of the cheating methods we proudly feature here at the Cheaters Paradise (Now I just want to get one thing straight, this site has only been up since mid-May, and only started to gain some recognition since school began). But this site is missing one that's served this guy well, so we decided to let this fella let everyone in on this cheat. "You need to buy a clear bottle of your favorite beverage (Mountain Dew, Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc.) and carefully peel off the label wrapped around it. Then tape a big crib sheet (or whatever) around the outside and then glue the label back. As you drink your beverage down you get your answers and the instructor will never be the wiser." I must say, that I like it, otherwise it wouldn't have been added. And just so you don't think I'm tooting my own horn, here's this guy's homepage. And "The Swamp Thing," and because that was so original I'm gonna tell everyone your name is Darwyn (*****@*****.ca), decided to make me aware that there is also the old hide-your-crib-notes-under-a-patch-trick (Well just to clear the air, I have never heard of this method, but after reading it I can honestly say I wish I had). For this method you simply attach patches to your jeans on 3 sides to make a secret pocket, and the crib sheet hides inside! He also wanted to make the following Public Service Announcement, "Remember, you are only cheating yourself!" Well Al Bundy says, "It's only cheating if you get caught," and he scored FOUR touchdowns in a single game, so there!
it is a variation of the long sleeve method. Write your answers on masking tape and put it in the inside of the cuffs of your jacket/shirt. Leave the cuffs unbuttoned (You don't have to scrub this off after the test like the arm method, all you do is peel the tape and throw it away). You can also put tape inside your lapels, on your socks (Cross your legs and pull your pants legs up until you see the notes. This works very well. If the teacher thinks that you are writing on your arm, all you do to prove her wrong is to push up your sleeves. Just make sure you don't have hairy arms otherwise this may hurt a bit. Robin Williams, if you're reading this, don't try this at home!
Whiteout Cheat
If the notes are required to be handed in after a test: 1. Write your cheats on the page in pen. 2. Use the tape type of whiteout and whiteout all your notes. 3. On the day of the test, use an eraser and rub it off. 4. When you're done, whiteout your notes. And doodle on it. so it won't look suspicious.
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* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers |
*** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognised educational institutions. |
# Combined Question Paper/Answer Booklet |
## A 10-minute break must be allowed between Section I, and Sections II and III (Music Paper 1) |
** Common Paper |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Fri 16th April | VISUAL ARTS Paper 2 | |
Mon 26th April | PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Examinations to begin | |
Mon 3rd May | VISUAL ARTS Paper 2 MUSIC 2 (General) Examinations to begin | |
Thurs 6th May | TECHNICAL DRAWING 3 | |
Fri 7th May | AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A 1** MUSIC PAPER 1 Section 1 # ## MUSIC PAPER 1 Sections II and III # MUSIC 2 | HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY 2 # General 2 hr |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Wed 12th May | ENGLISH B 2 VISUAL ARTS 2 | ENGLISH B 1 General 1 hr 45 min |
Thurs 13th May | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2 | FRENCH 2 General 2 hr 15 min |
Fri 14th May | PHYSICS 2# | INTEGRATED SCIENCE SA 2 # General 2 hr |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Mon 17th May | PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS 2 General 3 hr | PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS 1 General 1 hr 30 min * PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS 3/2*** General 1 hr 30 min |
Tues 18th May | ENGLISH A 2 General 2 hr 40 min | ENGLISH A 1 |
Wed 19th May | MATHEMATICS 2 General 2 hr 40 min | MATHEMATICS 1 |
Fri 21nd May | CARIBBEAN HISTORY 2 General 2 hr 10 min | PHYSICAL EDUCATION & |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Wed 26th May | BIOLOGY 2# General 2 hr 30 min | GEOGRAPHY 2 |
Fri 28th May | SOCIAL STUDIES 2 General 2 hr 40 min | SOCIAL STUDIES 1 |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Mon 31st May | CHEMISTRY 2 # General 2 hr 30 min | FRENCH 1 |
Tues 1st June | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 General 1 hr 30 min | AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A 3 |
Wed 2nd June | ECONOMICS 2 General 2 hr | ECONOMICS 1 |
Thurs 3th June | PHYSICS 1 | CARIBBEAN HISTORY 1 |
Fri 4th June | ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT | CHEMISTRY 1 General 1 hr 15 min * CHEMISTRY 3/2*** General 2 hr 10 min |
Date | Morning | Afternoon |
Mon 7th June | INTEGRATED SCIENCE SA 3/2***# CLOTHING & TEXTILES 1 | BIOLOGY 1 General 1 hr 15 min * BIOLOGY 3/2*** General 2 hr 10 min |
Tues 8th June | SPANISH 1 General 1 hr 15 min | GEOGRAPHY 1 |
Wed 9th June | INTEGRATED SCIENCE SA 1 General 1 hr 15 min | TECHNICAL DRAWING 1 |
* A 15-minute break must be allowed between Papers ** Common Paper # Combined Question Paper/Answer Booklet ## A 10-minute break must be allowed between Section I, and Sections II and III (Music Paper 1) *** For PRIVATE Candidates only NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognised educational institutions.
| ||
Key to the CXC CSEC exam timetable May/June 2010
Additional notes to the CXC CSEC exam timetable May/June 2010
Last modified on 21 May 2006
To view my website http://www.rogerdarlington.co.uk/index.shtml
60 minutes long
18x² + 4 - [6 (x² - 2 ) + 5 ]
18x² + 4 - [6x² - 12 + 5 ]- work from inside out to remove braket
18x² + 4 - 6x² +12 - 5 - the minus sing in front the bracket changes the signs in the bracket
18x² - 6x² + 4 +12 - 5 - then u group the common ones
12x² + 11- then u add and subtract common factors
question 2
Teach Yourself Electricity And Electronics
This self-teaching guide covers electricity and electronics theory in enough detail to be of use to readers from the beginning hobbyist to the university electronics student (or professor). With quizzes and exams throughout the book and answers in Appendix A, readers can test their mastery of the material. The first few chapters of the book provide excellent coverage of basic electricity and magnetism as a basis for electrical and electronic theory.
I pledge my heart forever
To serve with humble pride
This shining homeland, ever
So long as earth abide
I pedge my heart, this island
As God and faith shall live
My work, my strength, my love, and
My loyalty to give.
O green isle of the Indies,
Jamaica, strong and free,
Our vows and loyal promises,
O heartland, 'tis to thee
Before God and All mankind.
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart
The wisdom and courage of my mind,
The strength and vigour of my body
in the service of my fellow citizens.
I promise to stand up for justice,
Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively,
To think generously and honestly, so that,
Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship
and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare
of the whole human race.
Eternal Father, Bless our Land,
Guard us with thy mighty hand,
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours,
To our leaders, great defender,
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love,
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love
Teach us true respect for all,
Stir response to duty's call,
Strengthen us the weak to cherish,
Give us vision lest we perish,
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,
Grant true wisdom from above,
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love,
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love
Experimental AIDS Vaccine Delivers Good NewsThai trial is first test in humans to show vaccine can work against HIVBy Steven Reinberg, HealthDay Reporter
THURSDAY, Sept. 24 (HealthDay News) -- In an apparent milestone advance, an experimental AIDS vaccine tested on more than 16,000 young adult volunteers in Thailand cut the risk of infection by a third, researchers reported Thursday. The researchers acknowledged that the protection offered by the vaccine was relatively modest and did not represent a breakthrough. But the trial results marked a significant gain in the so-far frustrating fight against AIDS, which has killed an estimated 32 million people worldwide since it struck more than a quarter century ago. Experts said the findings should give scientists important insights into HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and how it attacks the body's immune system, with the ultimate goal of producing a more effective vaccine. "I don't want to use a word like 'breakthrough,' but I don't think there's any doubt that this is a very important result," Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the trial's sponsors, told The New York Times. "For more than 20 years now, vaccine trials have essentially been failures," he said. "Now it's like we were groping down an unlit path, and a door has been opened. We can start asking some very important questions." The World Health Organization and the U.N. agency UNAIDS said the results "instilled new hope" in the field of HIV vaccine research. The vaccine is a c****ination of two vaccines that had previously been unsuccessful in clinical trials. When the Thai clinical trial began in 2006, many scientists thought it would also fail. "I really didn't have high hopes at all that we would see a positive result," Fauci told the Associated Press. The study, which used strains of HIV common in Thailand, tested the two-vaccine c****ination in what's called a "prime-boost" approach. The first vaccine primes the immune system to attack HIV and the second one strengthens the response, the AP reported. The two vaccines are called ALVAC and AIDSVAX. ALVAC contains canarypox -- a bird virus that has been genetically altered so it can't cause disease in humans -- to transport synthetic versions of three HIV genes into the body. AIDSVAX contains a genetically engineered version of a protein on HIV's surface. Because the vaccines aren't made from a whole virus -- either dead or alive -- they can't cause AIDS, according to the AP. The study was done in Thailand because U.S. Army scientists did key research in that country when the AIDS epidemic emerged there, isolating virus strains and providing genetic information on them to vaccine makers. The Thai government also strongly supported the idea of doing the study, the AP reported. For the trial, half of the 16,402 volunteers were given six doses of the two vaccines in 2006 and half were given placebos. They then got regular HIV tests for three years. Fifty one of those who got the vaccines became infected compared to 74 who were given placebos, the Times said. Although the 31 percent reduction in rates of infection was modest, Col. Jerome H. Kim, a doctor who manages the U.S. Army's HIV vaccine program, called the finding statistically significant. And, he added, it's "first evidence that we could have a safe and effective preventive vaccine," AP reported. The Thais chosen for the study were a cross-section of that country's young adult population, not just high-risk groups like intravenous drug users or sex workers, Kim added. One curious finding showed that the vaccine induced very few antibodies. Most vaccines consist of parts of a virus or bacterium that prompt the immune system to make antibodies, which then protect the body by attacking the invading pathogen. The chief usefulness of the ALVAC-AIDSVAX vaccine will probably be what it can teach infectious-disease researchers about what is happening in the immune system when a person is even somewhat protected against HIV, the Washington Post reported. "We really need to go through the data to see if there are effects here that are potentially useful," Kim said. He predicted that information gained from the trial after the results are fully analyzed will have "important implications for the design of future HIV vaccines," the Post reported. Fauci stressed that the new trial results do not mark "the end of the road," but he was surprised and pleased by the outcome, the AP reported. "It gives me cautious optimism about the possibility of improving this result" and developing a more effective AIDS vaccine, he said. "This is something that we can do." Leaders in the search for an AIDS vaccine were also heartened by the news. Dr. Alan Bernstein, executive director of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise in New York City, said, "The results themselves are modest: 30 percent protection is not a level of protection that we can actually go out and give to people, but it's a landmark day because it says that achieving protection in humans against HIV with an HIV vaccine is possible." "It's going to be so exciting over the next few years to go from 30 percent protection to 100 percent protection," he added. Rowena Johnston, director of research for the Foundation for AIDS Research, New York City, added, "This is an important step, it's an encouraging step, but it is not the final step." "These results are interesting from the perspective of what we are going to learn out of them," she said. "There are probably few people who would say this is the product we should be making available to people around the world. But it is showing us directions in which we might look." Seth Berkley, president and chief executive officer of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, said in a prepared statement: "It's the first demonstration that a candidate AIDS vaccine provides benefit in humans. Until now, we've had evidence of feasibility for an AIDS vaccine in animal models. Now, we've got a vaccine candidate that appears to show a protective effect in humans, albeit partially." In 2007, 33 million people around the world were living with HIV/AIDS. More than 64.9 million people have been infected with HIV since the pandemic began. AIDS is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, and the fourth leading cause of death globally, according to the U.S. Agency for International Development. ALVAC is made by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine division of French drugmaker Sanofi-Aventis. AIDSVAX was originally developed by VaxGen Inc., and the patent is now held by Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases, a nonprofit group founded by some former VaxGen employees, AP reported. In addition to the two vaccine patent holders and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, participants in the Thai trial included the United States Army, and the Thai Ministry of Public Health, the Times reported. More information on the trial will be presented at an AIDS vaccine meeting in Paris later this fall, the Post reported. More information To learn more about HIV and AIDS, visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
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