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What's Your Resolution for 08???

June 13, 2008
Started By Demitri1 Comments
Get Rich,Go To Church and stop being impatient
Wats Yours??
People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study. Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, said many more members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average. A decline in religious observance over the last century was directly linked to a rise in average intelligence, he claimed. But the conclusions - in a paper for the academic journal Intelligence - have been branded "simplistic" by critics. Professor Lynn, who has provoked controversy in the past with research linking intelligence to race and sex, said university academics were less likely to believe in God than almost anyone else. A survey of Royal Society fellows found that only 3.3 per cent believed in God - at a time when 68.5 per cent of the general UK population described themselves as believers. A separate poll in the 90s found only seven per cent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Professor Lynn said most primary school children believed in God, but as they entered adolescence - and their intelligence increased - many started to have doubts. He told Times Higher Education magazine: "Why should fewer academics believe in God than the general population? I believe it is simply a matter of the IQ. Academics have higher IQs than the general population. Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQs tend not to believe in God." He said religious belief had declined across 137 developed nations in the 20th century at the same time as people became more intelligent. But Professor Gordon Lynch, director of the Centre for Religion and Contemporary Society at Birkbeck College, London, said it failed to take account of a complex range of social, economic and historical factors. "Linking religious belief and intelligence in this way could reflect a dangerous trend, developing a simplistic characterisation of religion as primitive, which - while we are trying to deal with very complex issues of religious and cultural pluralism - is perhaps not the most helpful response," he said. Dr Alistair McFadyen, senior lecturer in Christian theology at Leeds University, said the conclusion had "a slight tinge of Western cultural imperialism as well as an anti-religious sentiment". Dr David Hardman, principal lecturer in learning development at London Metropolitan University, said: "It is very difficult to conduct true experiments that would explicate a causal relationship between IQ and religious belief. Nonetheless, there is evidence from other domains that higher levels of intelligence are associated with a greater ability - or perhaps willingness - to question and overturn strongly felt institutions."

Bruce and the poll results

June 13, 2008
Started By Garrick6 Comments


Kristi Charles, the child who was denied a Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation Scholarship for her performance in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) last year, has now been granted $1.4 million towards her Harvard college fund.

Kristi, who received the highest grades islandwide in the 2007 GSAT, was not recommended for the Scotiabank award when the Ministry of Education claimed there was a possibility she could have been exposed to the test paper.

Court battle

But yesterday, after a month-long court battle with the child's parents, Education Minister Andrew Holness presented Kristi with the Ministry of Education's Excellence Scholarship, valued at $205,000 per annum over seven years.

Kristi's mother, Cleopatra Charles, told The Gleaner yesterday she planned to save or invest the money as "Kristi wants to go to (Ivy League United States College) Harvard to study medicine".

Charles brought the ministry to court in February after it claimed there was a possibility the student might have seen the test paper which was allegedly leaked to the homework centre she attended.

Justice Bryan Sykes ruled against the ministry, saying its actions breached the rules of natural justice and that there was no evidence the student had been exposed to the paper.

"Unfortunately, last year we were not able to recognise and celebrate the high performance of Kristi Charles who in fact scored the highest grades in the GSAT examinations," Holness said yesterday during the presentation ceremony, held at the education ministry's head offices in Kingston.

Holness said the Excellence Scholarship was an equally good award to give to Kristi as "somebody else already holds the title for last year, so we had to find an appropriate title that communicated the excellence of her performance".

The education minister said the GSAT examination was perhaps the most important examination in Jamaica, adding that for many parents the test determined the life outcome of their children.

"Increasingly, the exam is becoming more challenging and whenever we discover high excellent performances, we should recognise and celebrate those performances," Holness said.

Thanks for the support

In her response, Kristi, a student at Campion College, who is currently on the honour roll, said she was elated. She thanked her teachers at Sts Peter and Paul Preparatory and her parents for the support they gave her over the years.

"I had to work very hard in order to receive this achievement. Usually, I would stay up all night, working even on Christmas day, so it has really paid off and I feel really happy for this moment," she said.

Kristi's scores for the GSAT were 100 for mathematics; 98 for language srts; 99 for social studies; 98 for science; and 12 out of 12 for communication task.

He father, Timothy Charles, said he was very satisfied with the gesture made by the education ministry.

"Initially we felt down because we wondered what had happened, (but) we are very happy for this moment," he said.

The Ministry of Education conceded that it made a mistake when it decided against recommending the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation Scholarship. The Supreme Court is to assess damages today.

YEKATERINBURG, June 6 (RIA Novosti) - A woman in the Sverdlovsk Region in Russia's Urals has admitted attempting to sell her nephew to a gang of organ traders, local prosecutors said on Friday. The woman was caught after enticing her 22-year-old nephew into a car driven by police officers, who were acting under cover, in March. She had planned to sell the man for a few thousand dollars. The woman had earlier promised to provide more people for organ extractions. "A criminal investigation on charges of human trade for illegal organ extractions against the woman, who has a previous criminal record, has been completed," prosecutors said, adding the suspect has pleaded guilty. The case has been sent for trial in the town of Kamensky-Uralsky. The suspect faces up to eight years in prison if convicted. Media reports said earlier the arrest occurred near a conscription office, where the suspect had invited her nephew, saying she had arranged him to enter contract service in the army, which he had been denied due to a previous criminal record.

For the past 12 years Tajae Dowdie has made several trips in and out of hospital. So when he was again admitted to hospital six weeks before the sitting of the 2008 Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) in March, his parents had doubts about his ability to sit the test.

Tajae Dowdie, who turned 12 yesterday, poses with his mother, Faith Dowdie, at the family's businessplace in Portmore, St Catherine. (Photo: Taneisha Lewis)

The Dowdies are, however, rejoicing today that they allowed Tajae to sit the exam, as not only has he scored big, but the Portmore Missionary Preparatory School student has been awarded a place at Jamaica College (JC), one of the nation's top secondary schools.

"(Last) Friday when we heard that he was going to JC he jumped into my arms and said 'thank you, mommy, thank you for sending me to school'," Faith Dowdie, Tajae's mother, reminisced with a smile. "When he was little he always told me that he couldn't wait to go to high school."

Tajae, who turned 12 yesterday, was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome - a disorder in which damaged kidneys leak large amounts of protein from the *lo** into the urine - when he was a baby.

"When he was born, the doctors realised that there was something wrong. and when he was about nine months old he was passing *lo** in his urine. When they did the tests they found out he had Nephrotic Syndrome," Dowdie, with Tajae at her side, told the Observer yesterday as she sat on a chair at a restaurant she co-owns with her husband in Portmore, St Catherine.

She said that treatment allowed her son to maintain a 'fair bill of health' up to age three, but as he grew older his condition worsened, resulting in him being hospitalised numerous times.

"At age seven he really went into end stage renal failure and that's when he had to start dialysis," Dowdie said. "He has been on dialysis for five years now."

End stage renal failure occurs when the kidney loses it function, which is to keep the *lo** clean and chemically balanced. Patients with Tajae's condition must undergo dialysis or transplantation to stay alive.

At that tender age, Tajae also suffered from high *lo** pressure, which the doctor had difficulty controlling with medication. His *lo** pressure went up to as much as 220 over 170, compared to a normal reading of 120 over 80 or lower, according to Dowdie. This forced the doctors to remove both of his kidneys at age eight in order to stave off chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. A device was also implanted in his arm to help his *lo** to flow better.

"His *lo** pressure was uncontrollable, even when he was on medication, so now that the kidneys are out it is better controlled with medication," Dowdie said, as she raised her shirt to show the scars on both sides of his back where the kidneys were removed.

Tajae has to receive life-saving dialysis treatment three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - but in between his treatment, his mother said, he spends a lot of time away from school because of hospitalisation. He also has to ingest 11 different types of medication for his condition.

"He just got out of the hospital last week, because he had a high fever. sometimes immediately after I drop him off at school I have to go back for him because he is sick," she said, adding that he misses a few hours of school because he has to leave early for dialysis. "This makes it the third time he has been hospitalised since the beginning of the year. He was hospitalised five times last year."

But Tajae's ordeal did not prevent him from ensuring that he was prepared for GSAT. In fact, he said he was excited to do the exam. His mother also had a lot of confidence in him since he is an honour roll student.

"My older sister was very helpful and we bought the GSAT books to study from," said the outspoken youngster. "When I was taking the exams a lot of things went through my head. I was very excited."

Jamaica College, located on Old Hope Road, was his second choice. His mother said she decided to choose schools that were closer to the University Hospital of the West Indies where Tajae goes for dialysis.

Nevertheless, Dowdie said despite her son's condition he maintains a very optimistic outlook.

"He doesn't let anything get him down in spite of the fact that he might not look like the rest of the children around him," she said.

install extension.
simplicity at its finest.

-- Edited by nub at 19:53, 2008-06-12


June 13, 2008
Started By Clarksman0 Comments

Farewell to change

The first coin-operated vending machine dates from at least the first century BC. What product did the machine dispense?

A) Healing crystals
B) Holy water
C) Honey wine
D) Horoscopes
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- JEA has begun making some changes in hopes of deterring crooks and saving lives after a recent copper theft created a dangerous situation.

The power lines that supply electricity to residents' homes became the scene of a missing-metal crime.
JEA spokeswoman Gerri Boyce said someone stole copper wiring from 10 of the power poles on Jones Road.

"This is a new one for us, and we're hoping it doesn't happen again," Boyce said.
According to a police report, the thief or thieves stole 40 feet of wiring. The damage done is worth about $360,000.
However, the missing metal and amount of damage done were not the most serious parts of the theft.
Police said it was an inspector who noticed the copper theft, and that inspector said the copper thieves likely did not realize the inherent danger of the crime.
The inspector told officers that if one of the high power lines were to short out and it was touched by an unaware person, the results would be great bodily harm or even death.
"Anytime you deal with electricity, you're really putting yourself at risk," said Jacksonville Sheriff's Office spokesman Ken Jefferson. "What makes it so common, is that it's very easy to get rid of."
Officers said because copper theft is so common and so difficult to prosecute, businesses and homeowners should take action and protect their property.
That is exactly what JEA is doing.
Boyce said JEA was replacing its wiring with a material it hopes thieves won't want to steal.
"What it is is that it's copper, but it has other metals in it. It makes it less desirable, and it's not worth as much," Boyce said.
4 Laughing eyes
4 Well-shaped legs
4 Loving arms
2 Firm milk containers
2 Nuts
1 Fur-lined mixing bowl
1 Firm banana
1. Look into laughing eyes.
2. Spread well-shaped legs with loving arms.
3. Squeeze and massage milk containers very gently.
4 Gently add firm banana to fur-lined mixing bowl, working in and out until well creamed. For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.
5. As heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and cover with nuts, leave to soak (preferably NOT overnight though).
6. Love is complete when banana is soft.
If banana does not soften, repeat steps 3-5 or change mixing bowls.  
 1. If you are in an unfamiliar kitchen, wash utensils carefully before and after use.
2. Do not lick mixing bowl after use.
3. If cake rises, leave town.


1999 - "The Guinness Book of World Records" certified her possessor of the world's largest natural breasts

Norma Stitz
[a word play on "enormous tits"] is a website entrepreneur and nude model noted for her extremely large natural breasts. She has also hired and continues to hire other very large-breasted, mostly black, women for nude modeling on her site, and for video appearances. She is responsible for bringing to public attention and thereby furthering the careers of many up-and-coming large-breasted nude models and dancers, including Eve St. Clair, Ms. Von, and Miami Diana.

Did you know that from 1932 to 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabaman which 399 poor and mostly illiterate African American sharecroppers were studied to observe the natural progression of the disease if left untreated. Doctors recruited 399 black men who already had syphilis, to study the progress of the disease over the course of 40 years. A control group of 201 healthy men was studied to provide a comparison. It is called the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male" Do your research people!.....i did mines!

BORIS the dog is so big he can be seen from SPACE.

The three-year-old bull mastiff tips the scales at a whopping 14 STONE - and was tracked lazing in his garden by a Google Earth satellite.

His huge brown body can clearly be seen stretched out in his favourite position.

The massive mastiff lives with the Milner family who run the Tudor Grange Hotel in Bournemouth, Dorset.



They were stunned when they zoomed in on their property online and saw the brown blob in the garden.


Woman's best friend ... Boris with owner Louise Bell

Woman's best friend ... Boris with owner Louise Bell



Boris is now seen as a celebrity among hotel guests who line up to have their picture taken with him.

Fran Milner, 24, whose parents Bob and Carol run the hotel, said: "My brother-in-law was on the internet one day when he decided to look at a satellite picture of our hotel.

"He zoomed in a little way and noticed a big brown blob on the gra** in front of the sundial.

"Then he realised it was Boris. He was in his favourite place. He loves lying there because it is a bit of a suntrap.

"We all had a look and couldnt believe it. I knew he was big but didnt think he was big enough to be seen from space."

The satellites used to take the Google Earth images operate at an orbit of between 300 and 450 miles up in space.


Eye in the sky ... Boris from space

Eye in the sky ... Boris from space



The Milners have owned Boris since he was eight-weeks-old.

The average size of a bull mastiff is nine stone but they suspected he would be on the large size as his dad was also enormous.

Fran said the fact he regularly wolfs down a full English breakfast could have something to do with it too.

He has also suffered problems with his cruciate ligaments which prevents him from walking long distances to exercise.

Fran said: "Boris really belongs to my brother Doug who got him as an eight-week-old puppy.

"He was obviously small but we had a feeling he would grow to be bigger than average size.

"From the day we got him he just kept growing and growing. Luckily though he appears to have stopped and shouldnt get any bigger."

She added: "Boris gets on brilliantly with our guests because he is so gentle and beautiful.


"They all want a picture with him - hes probably the most photographed dog in Bournemouth.

"Although he cant do much exercise he loves swimming in the sea.

"But for the moment hes doing what he loves best which is lying by the sundial for hours on end."

LEBANON, Maine (AP) Two teenage girls sunbathing on a railroad trestle lost limbs when a train came upon them unexpectedly in this New Hampshire border town, police said Wednesday. The girls were lying on beach towels on the trestle over Three Mill Pond when the train rounded a corner and began braking and blasting its horn shortly before 11 a.m., said Lt. Gary Fecteau of the York County Sheriff's Department. The conductor and engineer say they never saw the girls move, but their injuries suggest they tried to scramble away at the last moment, Fecteau said. Destiny Phaneuf, 13, of Lebanon, lost her leg just below the knee; Rachel Brown 14, also of Lebanon, lost a foot, Fecteau said. Both were airlifted to Maine Medical Center in Portland. Crews searched the water for their lost limbs, Lebanon Fire Assistant Rescue Chief Jason Coty said. The girls were cutting class and enjoying the sunny weather when the freight train came upon them, Fecteau said. There's no indication the girls were impaired by alcohol or drugs, or that their hearing was impaired by headphones, he said. Phaneuf was unconscious when authorities arrived; Brown told police that the pair had fallen asleep while sunbathing, he said. Christie West, who lives across from the tracks in Milton, N.H., said the train comes by the same time every day. This time, she said it screeched to a halt after passing her back door. "That's about where I saw a little girl laying, and her knees were bent, so I could see small legs bent on the railroad tracks, and she was moving, so I knew that she was alive," West told WMUR-TV. The train crew called to report the accident when it happened. Police and rescue workers from Milton were first on the scene. They turned the investigation over to York County authorities after determining that the incident had happened in Maine. Neighbors said the area is off-limits, but it is still a popular spot where people hang out and swim. Officials said last year, a boy riding his bike was hit on the trestle. Milton police said they are called to the area at least once a day over the summer. A nonprofit rail safety organization said the tragedy underscores the inherent danger of trespassing on private railroad property. "Though it's not known how fast the train which struck the individuals was traveling, it's a fact that trains can't stop quickly. Even a slow-moving train can weigh millions of pounds and may take hundreds of yards to come to an emergency stop," said Fred Hirsch, state coordinator of Maine Operation Lifesaver.
What WON'T you share with your significant other?

Now that Senator Hillary Clinton has suspended her campaign for the United States presidency and given her unqualified endorsement of Senator Barack Obama, we can now brace ourselves for a vicious campaign of character assassination against Mr Obama by his political rivals.

In fact, since Saturday, when Senator Clinton urged her supporters to use their energy, passion and strength to put Senator Obama in the White House, news services in the USA have been focusing on the likely content of the anti-Obama advertisements or Internet chatter that will be published across that country in the run-up to the presidential elections in November.

The storm created over the association between Mr Obama and his minister of 20 years, the Rev Jeremiah Wright, will definitely be revived, given the successful job already done by the Republicans of painting Rev Wright as a bigot and bitter critic of America who has accused the US Government of creating AIDS.

So too will criticism of the Rev Michael Pfleger, the firebrand white Catholic priest who, in a sermon at Mr Obama's church recently, mocked Senator Clinton while accusing her of expecting to win the Democratic party nomination because she was white.

Although Rev Pfleger apologised and Mr Obama condemned the remarks and resigned from the church, the senator, it is said, is likely to face questions about his relationship with the reverend.

We are also being told of Mr Tony Rezko, a businessman who has helped raise campaign money for Senator Obama and who was convicted last week on 16 of 24 counts involving mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and aiding and abetting bribery, even though the charges have no connection whatsoever to Mr Obama.

The name William Ayers, with whom Senator Obama has a very limited relationship, has also been raised for the fact that Mr Ayers, now a university professor and member of Chicago's intellectual establishment, was, 40 years ago, a member of a radical group that claimed responsibility for a series of b****ings, including at the Pentagon and US Capitol.

The man regarded as Senator Obama's political godfather, Mr Emil Jones, president of the Illinois Senate, has also been thrown into the mix, with the US media already alleging that he has a reputation for "steering state money to a few favoured institutions, including some that employ his relatives", even though they admit that the political styles of both men are different.

So there will be no shortage of fodder for Senator Obama's critics who want to undermine his historic bid for the presidency. How the candidate himself and his campaign team respond to each criticism as they are raised will, we believe, have a significant bearing on the outcome of the vote in November.

His success in the presidential race will also rest heavily on the ability of the Democratic party's leaders to unite its supporters by healing the wounds created by the bruising primary contest.

To her credit, Senator Clinton has already started that process with her speech in Washington on Saturday. "I endorse him and throw my full support behind him," she declared. "Today as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I ask of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me."

Her endorsement is significant for the fact that she won approximately 18 million votes in the primaries with women accounting for a solid bloc of that support.

The Democrats now have a mere four months to heal the rift in their party and win over the undecided. Whether they will be able to do so, only time, and the results in November, will tell.




A PUZZLED hospital porter got the shock of his life when he spotted his wife in A&E holding a newborn baby as the couple had not even known she was pregnant.


Peter Gilliver asked Claire Hubbard why she was holding a baby and was stunned when she replied: "Its YOUR son ... congratulations!"


Peter, 26, and Claire, 23, were clueless about the pregnancy and had thought she had simply been putting on a bit of weight.


But after Peter set off to work a night shift at Rotherham District General Hospital, South Yorkshire, Claire started getting pains in her stomach.



And while she had a relaxing bath she suddenly gave birth to baby son Aaron - weighing in at a healthy 6lb 5oz.


Claire was rushed by paramedics to the hospital where Peter worked and he was told she was in the accident and emergency department.


She said: "Pete went really pale when he saw me lying on a stretcher and looked puzzled when he saw I was holding a baby.


"He asked me 'whose baby is that?'


"He went even paler when I said 'Its yours...congratulations'. He was speechless.


"It was such a crazy situation. We hadnt realised I was pregnant."



Mum Claire had been working as a ward clerk at the hospital on an early shift on her 23rd birthday.

She had then gone to bed with stomach pains and a headache while Peter went off for his 9.30pm nightshift.


But within half an hour the pains got worse so she had a bath to relax.


Claire from Thrybergh, Rotherham, said: "When I started getting the pains I didnt think for a minute that I was pregnant.


"We have just bought a new bungalow and taken out a mortgage and we decided to wait a while before trying for a baby.


"I had three monthly contraceptive injections and knew I would put on a little weight round my middle.

It was the biggest shock of my life as I lay in the bath and suddenly realised I was in labour. I automatically started pushing when the contractions started, then Aarons head appeared. I couldnt believe my eyes.

"He was born within a few minutes. It was a straight-forward birth but the cord was round his neck, once I unwrapped it he was okay."


Claire, who has two other children, Kieran, four, and Jack, 20-months from a previous relationship, managed to climb out of the bath, reach her mobile phone and she was taken by ambulance to Rotherham District General Hospital.


She added: "The staff in A&E were gobsmacked. They rang Pete but just told him 'your wife is here.'


"He was in shock when I showed him our son. He had left me earlier that night with the two boys, with no chance of me getting pregnant and there I was with a newborn baby."


Pete said: "I could not think what she was doing holding a baby. When I asked and she said 'Its yours', I couldnt speak.


"She had been asleep in bed when I went to work - then suddenly Im a dad. Its incredible. Its not the way we planned things but to be honest Im chuffed to bits.


"Aaron is a beautiful boy and I am a very lucky man. We have three smashing sons but now I think we will call it a day."


Claire who is now planning to be sterilised added: "Ive had enough surprises for one lifetime

'Unicorn' born in Italy

June 12, 2008
Started By Crazypickney18 Comments
A roe deer with a single horn in the middle of its head has found fame as the "Unicorn" of Tuscany. The 10-month-old deer was born in captivity at the Centre of Natural Sciences, a nature reserve near Prato. eaunicorn111.jpg The 'unicorn' photographed in Tuscany, Italy While single-horned deers have been spotted before, this particular buck has a uniquely central horn, thought to be the result of a genetic flaw. "This is a demonstration that the fabled unicorn, which we all know from icons and legends, probably was not just a fantasy. "It was probably an animal like this one, with a natural anomaly," said Gilberto Tozzi, the director of the centre. Mr Tozzi added that the twin of the buck has two horns. The mother of the two deer was brought to the park several years ago after being hit by a car in the Apennine mountains. The mythical unicorn was thought to have healing powers and was generally depicted as a horse with the cloven hooves of a goat or deer. The earliest mention of the beast was by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. In one notebook, Leonardo Da Vinci suggested unicorns could be captured using a virgin as bait. advertisement "For the love it bears to fair maidens [the unicorn] forgets its ferocity and wildness and laying aside all fear it will go to a seated damsel and sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it," he wrote. Mr Tozzi said the Tuscan unicorn was also remarkably elusive. "Our deer might be aware that he is a little different. "He doesn't let himself be seen very often" he said. He advised visitors to "arm themselves with binoculars and a lot of patience." Last year, a hunter in Elma, New York, photographed a stag with a third horn protruding from the front of its head.



"Thanks UK tabloid The Sun!

Bobby Browns so Brandon is claiming that he got intimate with the actress in a toilet. Apparently Lindsay who most recently has been seen cosying up to female DJ Samantha Ronson couldnt resist the reality TV stars charms. He boasts:

Me and Lindsay got really, really close. She followed me to the bathroom during a private party, and, well, we basically got together. I think she knew who I was when she first saw me. We were just staring at each other and she walked by. I walked into the bathroom and she followed me in. (Source)

With her attached to Samantha Ronsons hip 24/7 nowadays, sometimes we forget just how c*ckhungry Lindsay Lohan can be. This dude basically seduced her with eye contact. Not a hi, not a hello, eye contact. If hooking up with random dudes in bathrooms was an Olympic event, Lindsay Lohan would have 900 gold medals. Shes the United States, Paris Hilton is Russia, and every other chick in L.A. is Burundi."

"Meanwhile there are at least two guys who claim to have done the deed in separate bathroom incidents years ago with another notorious party girl. Nicole Richie, whose much calmer lifestyle seems more permanent than Lindsays, had both Busta Rhymes and Jason Mewes of Jay and Silent Bob bragging about their quickies with the skinny socialite in bathrooms. You wonder which other random guys these two had in drunken bathroom sessions. There are undoubtedly more than just the few weve heard about."

A TEENAGER was arrested after he was allegedly seen admiring himself in a CCTV lens wearing a STOLEN necklace.


The youth was nicked after a 16-year-old boy had his necklace and bracelet stolen on a tram in south-east London.


Police released an image of a suspect wearing a necklace as he peered into the CCTV camera.


British Transport Police arrested a teenager, from South Norwood, who has since bailed pending consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.

I told you so. One876 have the tings dem fi buss and we nuh ramp fi buss dem business because we nah live no dutty life. But stick a pin, why so much freak de pon the website and ah talk up a bagga nasty tings? Mi a read the comments and mi no see mi regular friend dem, Schoolgirl, Spanish Town, Candy, and mi only glimpse Racquel few times. Mi no blame yu, the whole thing disgusting bad. This is one876entertainment not one876sextertainment, hold down the freaky talk. Anyway, enough preaching, time fi talk up de tings dem again. Kipo say ah telephone ting mash up dem life, but now ah video camera. Mi get a new sex tape this morning wid a big-name entertainer pon it, but mi no ready fi buss it yet, mi heart caan tek it. Anyway, later fi dat, Ah Abena time now. BEENIE SIZZLE O8 FOR AUGUST 2 Beenie_Man_thumb111.jpgMi nah badda plan fi fly out inna early August (yes Kiss Teeth, mi have mi 10 year) until mi go Beenie Man show at the Jamalco Sports Club inna Clarendon. Yes, you read it here first folks, Beenie Sizzle 08 is on and it is set to unfold on August 2nd with a star-studded lineup which could include Lil Wayne and Souljah Boy for Beenie Sizzle 08. Mi hear say Beenie want the top stars inna Jamaica so him a try book Killer, Mavado and him no cater, even DAngel him plan fi book fi the show. We love how the Doctor ah deal wid tings, like a big man, a real businessman. So yu know say me ah go check mi designer Audrey Goodas fi sort mi out fi the event, it ah go mad! BORING SEX, LIES AND VIDEOTAPE What is wrong with these boring B list celebrities and their sex tapes? Wha dem a try look? FAME. It nah go work, we just ah go have oonu off as freak and not rate yu. Mi not even sure mi can still watch oonu plays again cause it ah go hard fi see oonu inna the same light. Mi never did too impressed by the video either, Little Johnny never did a deal wid it the right way, is like him a pet it or something, mi know is a cat, but come on, man, do better than dat. Wah mi waan know is how Peter feel about the way she ah expose herself? What are the Marleys saying? And it look like a she ah the camerawoman ah direct the whole thing. KARTEL MASH UP WEDDY LAST NIGHT kartel_thumba.jpgWhen Kartel hold the mike and say 3 o clock inna the morning last night at Weddy Weddy, the dance buss, juice ah flow, gal a wine, everybody ah enjoy demself. Mi caan believe say ah so much years Kartel no go Weddy fah but the people dem welcome him wid open arms, and everything did royal over de. Buju and Bounty did inna the place too. KILLA FOR ASYLUM TONIGHT bounty_killer_thumb.jpgTalking about Bounty, what a way the Killa ah go hard inna the paper yesterday about unity and all these things? But me waan fi know one ting. If anno the gays dem stop him show, a who? Still, the Killa done mek him talk already and yu know say Asylum ah go cork little more fi him birthday celebrations. Will Kartel show up fi bless the event? Ah dat the public waan know.
The pros and cons of celebrity pairing Krista Henry, Staff Reporter Sasha performs with Turbulence Celebrity couples attract extra attention from fans and the entertainment community alike. The added 'star quality', the duets and the very public break ups keep people tuned in to the drama unfolding before their eyes. However, while the public enjoys the fodder entertainment couples provide, being in the public eye is not all good for the persons involved in the relationships. In an industry where females have a number of difficulties in making it big, being involved with a male entertainer can propel them into the limelight, or result in a backlash when things go wrong. Rivals No one knows this better than Michelle 'D'Angel' Downer who was linked to dancehall's two long-standing rivals - Beenie Man and Bounty Killer. Having married, and then separated from Beenie Man, D'Angel has had to struggle to get her name out as an artiste. She has also had to try to escape the 'fallen angel' title attributed to her by her ex, Bounty Killer. D' Angel felt first hand the disadvantages of a public break up when she was booed at 'Dancehall Divas in Action' in Mandeville last October. Beenie Man's popularity is undeniable and his fans have not viewed the rising starlet highly as a result of the break up. Perservere Yet, D'Angel has persevered reaping success with hits like Blaze, High Intensity, Caan Stall (featuring Vybz Kartel) and the continuing work of Angel's Production. D'Angel, the artiste, is moving past her public affairs and working on her career. Stacy Scarlett, aka Stacious, has been romantically linked to dancehall singjay Mavado since he made a cameo appearance in her Falling Down video. While Stacious denies that they are together, there has been a number of rumours in the media about the nature of their relationship. For Stacious, artistes having relationships with each other is not just about getting a hype but also about how they feel about each other. Right vibes Stacious says she will have no problem getting involved with another artiste if the situation feels right. "If it's the right person, I'm gonna fall for the individual and not his profession," she said. Newcomer Loraine Sewell has to face the difficulties of keeping her private life under wraps. Girlfriend to fellow artiste Bugle, Loraine wants first to be seen as an artiste and recognised for her work rather than her personal life. For Loraine, being with another entertainer has its advantages and disadvantages. She explained "due to the fact that I'm with Bugle and I'm not really out there as an artiste, I get a lot of recognition, like 'wow that's Bugle's girlfriend' and stuff like that. Knowing that I'm coming into the industry now they say that's Bugle's girlfriend, she can sing yuh know. So it's kinda hype, but at the same time it has it's disadvantages, but that's how it goes." Other high-profile 'celebrity' couples included Sasha and Turbulence who recorded We've Got The Love. Their relationship soon turned sour with Turbulence recording No Man No Perfect about the relationship following the break up. Sasha replied with the song Got What You Need. Sasha was also linked to reggae crooner Jah Cure while he was incarcerated, but both later denied the rumours. >Moses Davis (Beenie Man) and Michelle Downer (D'Angel Stacious) - file
GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas (AP) -- Elaine Fulps is thrilled about the prize she won at a minor league baseball game. But she's hoping she doesn't have to collect on it anytime soon. Fulps, 60, won a $10,000 paid funeral at Tuesday night's Grand Prairie AirHogs game. The prize won't expire until after Fulps does, said Ron Alexander, the sales manager at Oak Grove Memorial Gardens, which partnered with the team and Irving's Chapel of Roses Funeral Home to sponsor the event. "I almost croaked many times," said Fulps, who was wearing a neck brace -- the most recent effect of about 20 surgeries she's undergone for various medical problems. "God still has me around for a reason. To win a funeral." Fans in this Dallas suburb were eager to join in the grim fun. Some finalists for the prize arrived dressed in black or looking like death. The finalists participated in a pallbearer's race, a mummy wrap and a eulogy delivery. Fulps, randomly chosen as the winner at night's end, said she'll choose a casket and plot as soon as she recovers. "I'm going to pick a spot under a tree out of the Texas heat," she told The Dallas Morning News. "And let's hope it's a pet-free cemetery. I don't want to get watered on."

TWO boys have been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty after a dog was found dead on a railway line.


The dog was allegedly found tied to a railway track near Corby, Northamptonshire.


British Transport Police (BTP) believe the animal was hit by a train.


It is also thought to have been burnt, although a BTP spokeswoman said it had not been ascertained if this had happened before or after its death.


She said they had not yet confirmed exactly when the dog was found, or when it was hit by the train.


The spokeswoman said an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy were arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty and bailed.


She said: "I believe a dog was found on the railway tracks. How that dog came to be on the tracks is under investigation.


"All we know at this stage is that two boys have been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty.


"British Transport Police and Northamptonshire Police are working together."

A TEEN was stabbed with a craft knife during an art lesson, police confirmed today.

Officers were called to a school in Northampton at noon yesterday following reports of a teenage pupil suffering a knife wound.

The boy was taken to hospital by ambulance where he was treated for a chest injury. It is not thought to be life-threatening.



Northamptonshire Police said a 14-year-old boy, a fellow pupil at Northampton School for Boys, was arrested in connection with a serious assault and was being questioned by cops.

Detective Chief Inspector Steve Howard, of Northampton Crime Investigation Unit, said: "This was a classroom incident which sadly resulted in a young boy receiving a knife wound.

"But I must stress that the weapon used was a craft knife which was made available to pupils for a lesson. This was not a case where a knife was brought into the school."

Det Chief Insp Howard said the county did not have a problem with knife crime.

He added: "This is a horrible incident but it should not be taken out of context and it does not signify that Northamptonshire has a problem with knife crime."

A spokesman for Northampton School for Boys today said both police and the school were carrying out inquiries

He said: "An incident occurred in an art lesson at Northampton School for Boys in which a boy was injured by a classroom craft tool.

"As a result one boy was taken to hospital and another boy was taken to Weston Favell Police Station.

"At this point the school has been asked to make no further comments whilst both police and school inquiries still continue."

Alaine maybe unu think Cherine Anderson cut it?
The buzz on the streets in the last few weeks is that it is dancehall firebrand Teflons time to shine and stamp his class as one of the most talented dancehall artistes to have emerged in The Game in recent history.
    The DJ has been working with producers like Jordan of Chimney Records, Stephen McGregor from Big Ship, and Mario C from 357 Records. He has a popular song called Make It on the Rub-a-dub rhythm for No Doubt Records, but it is Ting Dem on the Daybreak rhythm for Big Ship records that has given him his biggest buzz so far this year.
    The peoples response to this song has been phenomenal, ah the right meds, and dem a work with it, he told Xtratainment.
    He has another single called Life Aint That Ruff for Exodus Records and an accompanying music video that gets regular rotation on RE and HYPE TV. Teflons video for his first chart hit, Gun Rise for Arrows Records also continues to enjoy excellent rotation. There are plans in the pipeline to shoot a video for the one-drop inspirational single, Make It.
    He has also completed an album entitled Motherless Child for Tads International label.
    Right now, I plan to do a promotional tour in Italy where I will be performing at the Rototom Sunsplash July 3 to 12 alongside Etana and Cocoa Tea, the artiste who was born Shaneil Watson, said. 
    In the meantime, his single Ting Dem is getting crazy love from FM radio.
    Right now, me ah set the ting, Teflon is the i-ver burning fire and I will continue to represent the downtrodden and oppressed youths across the globe, he said.
    Teflon left the Arrows Records family over a year ago; he was never signed to the label. Since that time, he has gone on to establish his own Yard A Love label which is based in St. Mary. Teflons bookings by Heather and Janet of Yard a Love Productions, or email him at or . The DJ will be hosting his own entertainment event dubbed Yard a Love on August 1 at a venue located beside Beecham Plaza on Main Street, Ocho Rios, St. Ann.
    Born, raised and currently living in the parish of St. Mary, which has a rich musical tradition, having spawned such prodigious talents as Capleton and Lady Saw, Teflon is the latest firebrand to have emerged to represent the parish. He is quite aware that he carries the hopes and dreams of an entire community with him.
    Right now, I am just putting in the work, and the people are responding to it, and greater things are in store, Teflon said.
    And trust me, you aint seen nothing yet. Teflons music is an unstoppable force that is propelling the music to the next level.
    Just wait and see

Contact Heather Martin at 447-4013

This week's National Enquirer is reporting that Bill Clinton was cheating on Hillary all through the campaign. You know what ... if we were Hillary we'd be ANGRY ... Not that he's cheating recklessly. But that the dang fool ain't got no standards.

If you look at Monica Whats-her-name and his new Bust It Baby (see below), it's obvious that he'd put his thing in anything that breathes....

'Stop sending my X-rated video'

June 10, 2008
Started By linko49 Comments
he STAR recently viewed the video which has been circulating via bluetooth on cellphones. The video, which lasts for one minute and 36 seconds, depicts the female performing oral sex on the male personality, whose face is not seen in the video.

The host, whose face is easily identifiable told THE STAR she was made aware of the video last Wednesday when various persons began calling her about it.

The host, whose son is currently attending a popular high school, is most concerned about how persons are going to treat him. "People need to remember that I have a son ... and children can be very cruel. My son has a bad temper and he does karate and I don't want him getting into trouble," she said.

The host further said she and the radio personality had a long discussion with her son about the video, as she wanted him to be able to deal with the situation in the best way possible.

The video, she said, was released to the public when the radio personality recently lost his phone. She commented "what a man and woman do behind closed doors is no one's business. People have no regard for my private life and there are many people out there doing worse things, it's not like I'm with a girl, or ten men or three men, it's no one's business. I'm very appalled at people blue-toothing it and sending it to people."

As for her career, she doesn't believe that it will affect her in a negative way, "It's not like I'm making a porno movie, my job is understanding that it's my personal life. I'm not gonna hide and make people make me feel like I've done something wrong. People who know me know that it's what a man and a woman do ... we made our decision to video and maybe it was a stupid decision but it's our private life," she said.

While the male radio personality is not seen in the video according to the female host he feels hurt by the situation.

1 week left to live

June 11, 2008
Started By Tweeta28 Comments
hmm if u had one week left to live, what would u do with the time????

Close Casket or Tremor Riddim

June 12, 2008
Started By Atamic K10 Comments
Which one badda Close Casket or Tremor Riddim?
A man who can f**k good???.......or a man who take care a yuh and  give you everything you want but cah f**k??
Out in front: And now, with her substantial assets

Who says porn stars lack amb­ition? Maxi Mounds has made a huge name for herself by having the largest breast implants in the world.

Her 36MMM bust each weighing 9kg (20lbs) finally made it into the record books years after she learned there was a category for natural breasts.

'I contacted Guinness World Records and asked if they had a category for implants, but they said no, so I let it go,' she said.

'Then they asked me if I was interested as they were creating a category. Eventually they told me I won.'

Ms Mounds not her real name became a lap dancer in Florida in the 1990s.

It was then the one-time ballet dancer and horse rider decided to enhance her figure.


Modest beginning: Ms Mounds pre-implants

'I had the old-style silicone imp­lants,' she explained. 'But then came all the scare stories, so I had them replaced with overfilled saline.'

But her chest began to sag, so she had tubes put in her armpits so she could be topped up.

In 2000, she had her implants ­removed and the pockets filled with plastic string a procedure which has been banned. A solution was injected to make the breasts produce fluid and 'inflate' but they kept on growing.

She doesn't have a fella now: 'It takes a very special type of person to be with someone who looks like me because of the reactions I get from people whenever I'm out in public.

'I've seen some pretty funny things happen. Men walking into things and getting slapped by their girlfriends because they were staring so hard.'




-- Edited by Crazypickney at 20:46, 2008-06-05
Wearing sandals and flip-flops can put people at risk of developing skin cancer on their feet, doctors have warned. Specialists say that wearing open-toed footwear can increase the chance of getting lesions as the skin becomes exposed to intense sunlight, a key cause of skin tumours, or melanomas. Cancer that affects the feet is known as "acral melanoma" and typically occurs on the sole of the foot, between the toes or under the toenails. Research shows that only half of patients with foot melanomas survive, compared with four out of five people who develop cancer elsewhere on their legs. Doctors advice applying factor 15 sunscreen or above to feet, including the soles. One clinic has seen at least two patients with sun-related foot cancer in the past three months. Anthony Kontos, head of the clinic at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth, said patients often mistook skin cancer on the feet for bruising. The podiatric surgeon said: "With the increasing popularity of open-toed sandals and flip-flops, feet often have a sudden blast of intense sunlight. "Our feet are enclosed in shoes most of the year and then we pack our sandals for a holiday in very hot temperatures. This means feet are particularly susceptible to sunburn. "People are generally aware of checking other parts of their body for suspicious moles but they're unlikely to examine their feet" he added Exposure to sun in childhood is the biggest risk factor for melanomas. Initial discomfort is hard to spot and is often diagnosed at a late stage which by then has spread to other parts of the body. A British Skin Foundation spokesman said: "The fact is that all types of skin cancer are on the rise. "Women especially are susceptible because any lotion applied to the bridge of the foot gets rubbed off by sandals." Bob Marley, the reggae singer, died from a melanoma on his foot he believed was a football injury. The singer refused to have his toe amputated for religious reasons and died when the cancer spread.
A new internet service allows Christian subscribers to send emails to non-believing friends and relatives after they have died. offers users a facility to store emails and documents that are sent to up to 63 email addresses six days after the sender and fellow believers have been transported to Heaven. Some of the messages can be encrypted information such as bank account details and electronic passwords. The rest can be spiritual encouragement such as Biblical passages intended to bring loved ones "to Christ and snatch them from the flames". The service is rooted in the belief held by some evangelicals in the Rapture, a sudden visit from God in which Christians are taken away to Heaven leaving the rest to spend a further seven years on Earth under the dominion of the Anti-Christ. The website, whose motto reads "Because 'No one knows the day or hour'", says it "gives you one last opportunity to reach your lost family and friends for Christ". "Imagine being in the presence of the Lord and hearing all of heaven rejoice over the salvation of your loved ones. It is our prayer that this site makes it happen." was created by Mark Heard, a 49-year-old supermarket shelf-stacker from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He said he got the idea in 1999 while trading in shares online. It suddenly occurred to him that he would not be able to send his trading password to his wife if the Rapture suddenly took him, he said. Membership costs $40 (£20) a year but Mr Heard would not reveal how many people had signed up. Recognising when the Rapture has actually happened is obviously an issue for the email server. The service will be triggered if any three of Mr Heard's five employees fail to log on to their work accounts for six days. "We don't want these things to go out early," said Mr Heard. Randy Maddox, a theology professor at Duke University, was sceptical. He told ABC News : "In one sense, they're arguing it will be a time of great disaster, but in another sense he's saying, 'I promise my website will be working'. There are logical incongruities with the model."
KILLA FOR ASYLUM TONIGHT bounty_killer_thumb.jpgTalking about Bounty, what a way the Killa ah go hard inna the paper yesterday about unity and all these things? But me waan fi know one ting. If anno the gays dem stop him show, a who? Still, the Killa done mek him talk already and yu know say Asylum ah go cork little more fi him birthday celebrations. Will Kartel show up fi bless the event? Ah dat the public waan know.


According to the NY Daily News:

Shock jock Wendy Williams' husband plotted to kill a Hot 97 rival DJ for badmouthing his wife on the air, an explosive federal lawsuit filed charges Wednesday.

Kevin Hunter, who is married to Williams, sought out a male WBLS employee for help in finding a hitman to rub out Hot 97 personality Tarsha Jones, the lawsuit claims.

Hunter "was apparently angry over some comments that Miss Jones made about his wife on the air," the lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court claims.

A lawyer for Hunter and Williams could not immediately be reached for comment.

The blistering allegations are included in a federal sexual hara**ment lawsuit filed by Nicole Spence, a 29-year-old talent booker for "The Wendy Williams Experience."

Spence says Hunter regularly called her a "whore," referred to her with the b-word and called her cell phone to tell "her that he had been dreaming about sleeping with her."

Hunter does not work for the radio station.

The hothead hubby also turned his rage onto Williams after he caught her having a forbidden cigarette, the lawsuit alleges.

"Hunter stormed into the room, yelled and demanded that the employees leave and physically abused Williams, pinning her against the wall with his hand around her neck, choking her while repeatedly pounding his fist into the wall directly by her head," the lawsuit claims.

Williams, 43, then then turned to the same employee her husband tried to enlist in a murder plot to find someone to kill him, the lawsuit alleges.

Williams, whose popular "The Wendy Williams Experience" airs on WBLS, once worked for Hot 97 but was fired in 1998 after getting into a spat with a co-worker Angie Martinez.
This has been another first brought to you by the good folks atwho dem a try fool? Ah we ah lead, we originate and dem pirate. Ah we set the ting, the whole world ah read we, and we can defend it. This is Abena, your girl with the inside scoop on what a gwaan inna the business, and mi nuh ramp fi talk the tings dem. Mi nah live no dutty life, so mi can talk up, inna mi, no man nah walk up, yea! This is the Tuesday Coffee and mi come fi entertain, ah my time now fi talk ALL THESE THINGS.. KYINO RETURNS TO JAMAICA kyino_cunningham.jpgMi hear say Kyino is back in Jamaica, we have not seen him, but we hear that he is in a movie called Candy Shop where he and his friends go and get a lap dance and realize that the girl is a man. The he/she thing is not so funny now knowing what we know about Kyino, is it? Mi hear a little ting say him ah go change him name, but mi hope say anno true. Anyway, mi hear say him friend, the same one who post him video pon the Internet wid him ah bathe wid man, ah gwaan wid a bagga tings over one apartment complex. All kinda people ah come de late at nights and people ah lose dem appliance and furniture. Him can gwaan, tink dem young shotter ya nah ramp. Look wah happen to Peter King and Brian Williamson them. MILK, YU BUSS YA NOW What a way Milk just tek her career to the next level. STAR ah call her phone, Wendy Williams ah call her phone, she ah issue statement to Internet media site. MILK TO THE WORLD. Some people ah say ah she release the tape pon herself because she know say she ah go be world famous, and some people ah say she ah get crazy props fi it inna the street, pure man ah ring off her phone and all these things. And when she go supermarket, woman nuh stop hold on tighter pon dem man when dem see she push her shopping cart near. Everybody wants a drink of milk now. Heheh! Right now, mi only sorry fi her teenaged son, cause God knows what his friends are saying about it worse the video reach Photobucket now and all these things. SOPHIA BROWN DE A FARRIN Sophia_Brown_thumb.jpgMi hear say Sophia Brown ah live the crazy hype life. She have two show ah Arizona this week, but first, she go New York go look fi her boo, and as she reach and put in her foreign chip, crazy people ah ring off her phone, she ah do interview pon radio, disc jockey ah big her up say she inna the Big Apple, how she one so hype? Today, she ah check into her five star hotel, Hyatt Grand Regency, no roach motel roun ere. Proper breakfast and ting, then she ah do interview pon Radio 107.1 in Tucson, so her ting sort out. Wah yu say, Sophia, no roach nah run no marathon inna yu hotel, right? KERRI PAIGE OPENS NEW STORE The other day mi go Western Union inna Clock Tower go collect the whack and after mi go out, mi go upstairs to Ruggies where Kerri Paige open up her new store, KP Fashions, the tings dem in de a go hard. Mi hear say ah just L.A she shopping, not Miami and Panama like some other stores round town. THE PEOPLE DEM WAAN FI KNOW If Scratchy B really get thump inna him mouth by Ian Money Muss? Somebody ah tell lie inna the ting. Yu nuh hear Milk statement, ' was a consensual act between two adults in the privacy of their should not be sensationalized...? She ah say 'yes I did it, ANSO? A wah dis? How come Buju Banton nah say nothing about the Junior Reid incident? What happen to Mr. Vegas when him perform ah Canada the other day?

Just a few hours after his Portugal team had defeated the Czech Republic in Geneva to set up qualification for the quarter-finals of UEFA EURO 2008, Luiz Felipe Scolari was named as the new manager of Chelsea FC,  a role that the Brazilian will take up on 1 July.

Club statement
Chelsea issued a statement on Wednesday night saying: "Chelsea Football Club is delighted to confirm that Luiz Felipe Scolari will be the club's new manager from July 1, 2008." A FIFA World Cup winner with Brazil in 2002, Scolari has held the reins of the Portugal team since 2003 and led them to the final of UEFA EURO 2004 and the last four of the 2006 World Cup. Scolari's contract was due to end at the conclusion of the EURO and the hope of Portugal fans now is he will sign off with a flourish by guiding his team to their first European crown.

'Great qualities'
Scolari, 59, will replace Avram Grant as Chelsea manager and the club's statement added: "Felipe has great qualities. He is one of the world's top coaches with a record of success at country and club level, he gets the best out of a talented squad of players and his ambitions and expectations match ours. He was the outstanding choice. Out of respect for his current role as head coach of the Portuguese national team, and to ensure minimum disruption to this work, there will be no further comment from Chelsea FC nor from Felipe about his new role until his employment with us commences."

A teenager from India who stands at a tiny 1ft 11in (58cm) tall is the smallest girl in the world.
Jyoti Amge, 14, is shorter than the average two-year-old child and only weighs 11lb (5kg).


She has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and won't grow any taller than her current height.
Due to her size, Jyoti has to have clothes and jewellery made for her. She sleeps in a tiny bed and uses special plates and cutlery to eat, as normal-sized utensils are too big.
Despite this, she goes to a regular school in Nagpur , central India , where she has her own small desk and chair, and her classmates treat her like any other student.


Jyoti sits at her mini-desk and chair at school
Jyoti also shares common interests with other teenagers, with a love for DVDs and fashionable dresses.
She said: 'I am proud of being small. I love all the attention I get. I'm not scared of being small and I don't regret it.
'I'm just the same as other people. I eat like you, dream like you. I don't feel any different.'
Jyoti is treated like a mini-celebrity in her home town, where people flock to meet her and some even treat her like a goddess.
She will even be releasing an album with her favourite Indian pop star, the bhangra/rap star Mika Singh.


Her mum, Ranjana Amge, 45, said: 'When Jyoti was born, she seemed quite normal. We came to know about her disorder when she was five.
'We consulted a specialist and he said she will be this size all of her life. Jyoti is small, yet cute, and we love her very much.'
Jyoti is ambitious and hopes to work as a Bollywood actress one day.
She said: 'I would love to work in a big city like Mumbai, act in films and travel to London and America .


I'm proud of being small. I love all the attention I get because of it.'
Her dad, Kishanji Amge, 52, said: 'I can't separate myself from her even for a single day. I love her very much.
'She makes me proud. Lots of gurus come to see and bless her. They pray for her happiness and long life.'

Blind date rules

June 4, 2008
Started By sting 9 Comments
Blind date rules
BY Rose-Ann Jones Observer TEENage writer
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

In a world where technology is highly competitive and in full dominance, it not just teaches us how to communicate, but also how to socialise; that is finding and seeking out people of various regions and also at varying distances.

As TEENs, we often stumble upon things that intrigue us, and as such, we see it as fun. One of these very things is the 'blind date craze.' This craze will have us up all night talking via the telephone or Internet to someone that we don't even know and worst of all falling for everything that is said.


Because it has become so prevalent within our society, we here at TEENage see it fit to highlight the basic principles of blind dating, since the reality of it all is very clear for all to see that some of the people we interact with through these mediums can be stalkers, users and abusers, criminals and the list continues. As such, we have brought to you a few pointers. So here's the list:

Better safe than sorry: While going on a blind date can be exciting and fun, remember that you have no first-hand knowledge about the person you are meeting. If you have been set up through mutual friends, they will most likely have a rough idea of your plans. But just in case, make sure someone knows exactly where and when you're meeting. If the person you are meeting is a complete stranger, however, you need to take even more precautionary measures. Make sure someone is aware of your whereabouts as well as the name of the person you're meeting with, and how long the date is scheduled to last.

Keep an open mind: Always remember that this is a blind date and you have never seen this person before. Don't form a mental image of this individual or have high expectations. You will only be disappointed if the person does not turn out to be what you have imagined.

Always have a way out: It is crucial when on a blind date that you have an escape route. You could get a friend to call you 30 minutes into the date and if this person does not interest you, you can make up an excuse and leave, but if you do like this person then you can tell your friend to call back later. However, you could get some friends to turn up at the meeting point and if things aren't going well, then you can always leave with them, or if things are going well, you can tell them that you will meet up with them at a later point.

Be VERY observant: Pay close attention to what the person says which can reveal a lot. Discussing taste in music, film, food, art can be a great way to find out if you two have common interests or nothing in common at all!

Meet and greet: One of the biggest mistakes people make when going on a blind date is trying to be someone they aren't. When meeting someone for the first time, be yourself. Whether that means going all out or remaining casual, your personality will shine through only if you're not trying to be something you aren't. While first impressions are important, (for example, do not feel the need to wear heels if you'd normally wear flip-flop), it is best if you allow the person to know who you are; not who this individual wants you to be.

Remember not everyone's tastes are the same and there will be things about a person that you do not like, bad hygiene and common courtesy just to name a few. These are your own warning signs so don't ignore them.

Signs You’re A Sex Addict

April 12, 2008
Started By Ambassidah40 Comments
Sex addiction can involve many different sexual antics; it may be a strong desire to have sex, masturbate, watch porn or flirt. A person is defined as a sex addict when his behavior gets out of control and starts to have a negative impact on his life. These feelings and behaviors cause a great deal of shame, hopelessness and confusion for the sex addict. These feelings are also normally accompanied by denial, despite it being an unmanageable problem in the sex addict's life. 

Sexual addiction takes up a great deal of energy, and you know youre in trouble when your behavior causes relationship breakdowns, job problems, legal issues, and a loss of interest in anything non-sexual. If you suspect you have a problem, read on for some signs that you might be a sex addict.

Youre leading a double life

Do you have an extra girlfriend or mistress? Do you regularly cheat on your partner?  Do you keep your sex life a secret from those around you?

You frequently seek out sexual material

A preoccupation with all things sex can lead to a very narrow existence. When you constantly and consistently only seek out media that is sex-related, this might be a sign youre a sex addict.

Youre compromising your personal relationships

This sign youre a sex addict refers to compromising your relationship with your girlfriend or wife, but it can easily extend to social and work circles as well.

You seek out explicit sexual adventures

If you cant get excitement out of sex with the same person, you might desire or attempt to seek out more exciting encounters.

You get into trouble with the law

You may be engaging in many activities that are illegal in most places, such as sex with prostitutes, sex with minors or exhibitionism.

You have negative feelings about your behavior

If you have intense negative feelings about yourself because of your behavior, its time to get help.

mediazoneja Reporters

Publicist Marc Johnson poses with artiste D'Angel at a photo shoot for the STAR centrespread recently. - Winston Sill

The death of popular entertainment publicist Marc Johnson has shocked and dismayed the entertainment fraternity.

Johnson, 42, was found strangled at his apartment on Sullivan Place on Sunday. Reports are that at about 12:30 p.m neighbours found Johnson's body with an electrical cord tied around his neck. The police were later summoned.

Johnson was known for his work with entertainment figures such as former Dancehall Queen Carlene, Beenie Man, dancer Bogle, D' Angel and recording label Shocking Vibes.

Come to grips

For D' Angel, one of Johnson's clients, she still has not come to grips with his death. "Up to now I can't believe it, I was at an event last night when I heard and I'm trying to tell myself it's a rumour. I just saw him last Thursday cause he was away for a while, and we were talking about stuff we planned to do. We've worked together professionally and he's been a friend. Everyone who knows Marc, loves Marc, he's a real vibrant person, professional and driven. I wanna send condolences to his family and friends," she said.

A sad Lady Saw told THE mediazonejathat she had just found out about his death and was still in shock. She said, "it's so sad, such a surprise, I've known him for a while, he used to be around Hard Rock when I was there. When I used to have shows he used to come out and promote. He was quite a guy, funny and very helpful, can't even know how this could happen to someone like him when he's not a violent person he was always so happy."

According to dancehall artiste Stacious she had just seen Marc the night before his death. "Me, him and Flames were at Rich N Happy Saturday morning dancing up a storm. Throughout Sunday I was trying to call him to ask him bout Lena British party and neva get through. I'm still here trying to process it," she said.

While Stacious has seen Marc around she really got to know him that night at Rich N Happy and is shocked by this loss.


When THE mediazoneja contacted Clyde McKenzie of Shocking Vibes he said he was still shocked by what had occurred. McKenzie said he had seen Johnson around as he used to be an independent publicist at the company.

"I used to see him around. He used to do some work for us (at Shocking Vibes). I know he had a knack for what he was doing, very unorthodox," McKenzie said.

Meanwhile, the Constant Spring police who are investigating, say they have not yet established a motive for the killing.

Police sources, however, told THE mediazonejathat Johnson's killer might have left the electrical cord around his neck, in an attempt to mislead investigators into thinking that the publicist had committed suicide.

what is the best way to please your girl sexually?

'Jamaica in rough waters'

June 12, 2008
Started By ANDREDESIGNZ 9 Comments

'Jamaica in rough waters'

Pollster Bill Johnson

JAMAICA IS a ship that is being steered off course, most Jamaicans seem to believe.

The most recent Gleaner-commissioned Bill Johnson polls found that a mere 17 per cent of Jamaicans believe that things are heading in the right direction, a more than 10 per cent decline in 10 months.

In August last year, a few weeks before the September 3 general election, 28 per cent of Jamaicans said things were heading in the right direction.

The Johnson polls were conducted among 1,008 Jamaicans across 84 communities in Jamaica's 14 parishes, on May 31 and June 1. It has a margin of error of plus or minus three per cent.

The 'driver'

Jamaicans changed government nearly nine months ago, installing the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) at the expense of the People's National Party (PNP), which had held the reins of government for 18 years. Bruce Golding, who had dubbed himself the 'driver' in the campaign, assumed the job of prime minister.

However, less than a year into the JLP administration, 63 per cent of Jamaicans sampled said things were heading in the wrong direction. In August, some 54 per cent of the sample said things were heading in the wrong direction.

In November, the first Johnson poll conducted after the general election found that 22 per cent of Jamaicans believed the country was heading in the right direction. This was a sharp six per cent decline when compared to the August figures.

Meanwhile, crime is perhaps the chief reason most Jamaicans believe things are going in the wrong direction. More than 700 persons have been murdered since the start of the year.

Crime and violence

Johnson found that 74 per cent of Jamaicans consider crime and violence to be the most pressing problem facing the country at this time. The figure represents an 11 per cent increase over November.

Crime and violence is also the most pressing problem/greatest local need for 86 per cent of Jamaicans.

A general increase in prices has also prompted 19 per cent of the country to list inflation as the second most pressing problem facing the country. In August, only three per cent of Jamaicans saw inflation as a pressing problem.

The need for jobs has fallen from 68 per cent to 55 per cent as the greatest local need, while cost of living has moved 17 percentage points upward to 20 per cent and is now the third most pressing local need.

1 on 1 quality time

June 4, 2008
Started By Klanz Man10 Comments
play fav chunes for each other late into the night...

what are some of the things you do?
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