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 Eminems brother, Nate Mathers, also known as his rap name Nate Kane, was arrested and charged with drunken driving.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Mathers was busted early yesterday morning, Wednesday, April 15, in the suburb of Mac**** Township which is a part of the Metro Detroit, Michigan area.


Nathan Mathers, 23, the younger brother of rap star Eminem, 36, was pulled over by police after failing to pull over for an ambulance and was arrested after failing to pass a sobriety test. Mathers was charged with operating a vehicle while impaired and was later released on personal bond.


The rapper and brother of Eminem is scheduled to be back in Shelby Township district court on May 7.

Four men behind a Swedish file-sharing Web site used by millions to exchange movies and music have been found guilty of collaborating to violate copyright law in a landmark court verdict in Stockholm.

The four defendants -- Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi and Carl Lundstrom, three founders and one patron of The Pirate Bay -- were sentenced to one year in jail and also ordered to pay 30 million kronor ($3.6 million) in damages to several major media companies including Warner Brothers, Columbia, Twentieth Century Fox, Sony BMG and EMI.

The defendants are free without restrictions while they appeal the judgment.

The Pirate Bay allows users to exchange files including movies, music, games and software, but does not host the files itself. It claims more than 3.5 million registered users.

The court case, which involved both a criminal case and a civil claim brought by the media companies, marks a key victory for anti-piracy campaigners, who had long targeted the Web site

The year-long prison terms are for violating Swedish law, while the damages are compensation to the media giants in the civil case -- though the court ordered the men to pay just one-third of the 110 million kronor ($13 million) which the companies had asked for.

Friday's verdict did not include an order to shut down The Pirate Bay site.

Its owners have consistently shrugged off legal threats and police raids, posting letters from entertainment industry lawyers on their Web site with mocking responses.

When Dreamworks studio demanded that the site act over file-sharing of Dreamworks' movie "Shrek 2," The Pirate Bay threatened to sue for hara**ment and lodge a formal complaint "for sending frivolous legal threats."

"It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ... morons," the response continued, suggesting that studio representatives perform a sexual act. The response closed with an obscenity.

Site owners dismissed the effects of a police raid in 2006, saying the site had been down longer on other occasions due to illness or drunkenness than when "the U.S. and Swedish government forces the police to steal our servers ... yawn."

But Magnus Eriksson, who in 2003 co-founded the "loosely formed group of theorists, artists and programmers" that spawned The Pirate Bay, says there are serious issues at stake.

He does not think copyrighted material should be free for everyone, "but that it already is."

"The control over what people communicate is lost and we have to adapt to this new state of things," he said via e-mail. "To monitor all communications, fight all new digital technologies and spread a culture of fear in what should be a free and open communication network is not a desirable option."

Entertainment companies claim The Pirate Bay has hurt their box office profits, part of an annual loss the Motion Picture Association of America claims to be about $6 billion a year worldwide.

"Hollywood studios are businesses. They're there to make money," said association lawyer Thomas Dillon. "It costs $100 million to make a feature film, so of course they're quite keen to get some back. So I don't accept this argument that there's some benefit to culture in allowing people to make copies of commercial films and getting them for free."

Monique Wadsted, a Swedish lawyer for the MPAA, said The Pirate Bay was also harming individual artists.

A victory for the entertainment companies "will, of course, be for all authors all around the world, some kind of redress... because what is going on now is actually a plundering of the author's works," she said via e-mail.

"If some authors find it good to market their products using file-sharing or whatever, they are free to do that," she added. "But that is not what is happening at the moment. What's happening at the moment is that authors' and rights holders' works are file-shared against their will and that is not acceptable."

She argued that The Pirate Bay "is specifically tailored for copyright infringement."

The prosecution claims the site provides a search engine that helps people find and download copyrighted material including movies, music and games -- in effect, enabling copyright theft.

The site's supporters say they're doing nothing wrong under Swedish law because the site doesn't actually put the copyrighted material on the Web site.

Internet piracy and illegal downloading from peer-to-peer systems are some of the biggest piracy problems in Europe, the MPAA argues.

Internet piracy is growing at a faster rate in Europe than anywhere else in the world, the MPAA says, because of increased broadband use, weak laws, and lenient public perceptions.

Sweden's official efforts to battle online piracy have been weak, the MPAA says.

Eriksson, the co-founder of the group that led to The Pirate Bay, says the MPAA's argument that file-sharing hurts movie studio revenues is "nonsense."

"Cinema is doing better than ever," he said by e-mail. "They only claim this because they calculate losses by looking at the number of downloads and imagining that all of them would have been a purchase if they hadn't been downloaded first."

Eriksson said what was at stake in the Swedish courtroom was the future of the Internet itself.

"The Internet revolution meant that we created a global network where any digital entity could connect and exchange information with any other," he said. "Anti-piracy efforts must be seen in the light of a counter-revolution against this that goes all the way to the very infrastructure of the net."

He suggested that even if The Pirate Bay is convicted of facilitating making works public through its indexing service, which he does not expect, Internet piracy will not stop

"The prosecution can't understand that The Pirate Bay is just one stratification of a social and technological change that is decentralized," he said.

"Piracy does not have a head that you can cut off, and The Pirate Bay is just a technology allowing communication, a part of the Internet infrastructure."

LITTLETON, Colo. The "boy in the window" who fell *lo**ied and paralyzed into the arms of rescuers during the horrifying Columbine High shooting rampage is doing just fine.

Now 27, Patrick Ireland has regained mobility with few lingering effects from gunshot wounds to his head and leg a decade ago. He is married and works in the financial services industry. His mantra: "I choose to be a victor rather than a victim."

Like Ireland, many survivors of the April 20, 1999, massacre have moved on to careers in education, medicine, ministry, retail.

But emotional scars still can trigger anxiety, nightmares and deeply etched recollections of gunfire, *lo** and bodies.

Some have written books; a few travel the world to share their experiences to help victims of violence.

"People have been able to have 10 years to reconcile what happened and see what fits in their life and who they are," said Kristi Mohrbacher of Littleton, who fled Columbine as the gunfire erupted. "It's kind of a part of who I am today. I think my priorities might be a little bit different if I hadn't had that experience."

Just after 11 a.m. on that day, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, stormed the suburban school, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding about two dozen. The massacre ended with the gunmen's suicides not quite an hour later.

Sean Graves saw the pair loading weapons in a parking lot and thought they were preparing a senior prank with paintball guns.

Graves, Lance Kirklin and Daniel Rohrbough were walking toward them for a better look when the gunmen opened fire, killing Rachel Scott and Rohrbough and critically wounding Anne Marie Hochhalter, Graves and Kirklin, among others.

In the second-floor library, Ireland was about to finish some homework when he heard pipe b****s exploding in the hallway. Debris fell from the ceiling and a teacher shouted for students to take cover.

Klebold and Harris strode in, shouted for students to stand up, laughing and ridiculing classmates as they sprayed bullets.

Ireland was under a table with Dan Steepleton and Makai Hall when they were shot in the knees. Ireland was shot twice in the head and once in a leg, and lost consciousness.

The killers shot out a library window. Graves, lying partially paralyzed on a sidewalk below, worried that they would return. He smeared *lo** from his neck wound on his face and the ground to make it appear he was dead.

Harris and Klebold killed 10 students in the library before they left to reload, which gave some survivors a chance to flee. Steepleton and Hall tried to pull Ireland but couldn't move him far before they fled for safety.

Shortly before noon, the gunmen returned to the library and committed suicide.

Ireland awoke some time later, his vision blurred. With fire alarms sounding and strobe lights flashing, the partially paralyzed teen began to push himself toward the bullet-shattered window.

Over the next three hours, he pulled his body along, lost and regained consciousness, then moved again through tables and chairs and past classmates' bodies. He figures he traveled about 50 feet to the window.

"I thought how much easier it would be just to give up, stay there and let somebody come get you or whatever would happen to you," Ireland said.

"But every time those thoughts came in my mind, I thought about all the people that I would be giving up on. ... It was really the friends and family I would be letting down that kept me going."

Ireland pushed himself up to the window and got the attention of SWAT teams below. He doesn't recall flopping over the sill and dropping into the arms of rescuers, the image that grabbed the attention of TV viewers nationwide.

Graves, now 25, moved into a suburb near the mountains, where he recently purchased a home with his fiancee, Kara DeHart, 22. He walks with a limp and still feels pain but keeps a positive attitude. He plans to return to college to pursue a career in forensics science, a path that began to interest him after Columbine.

On Monday's anniversary, Graves will go back to the spot where he was shot, smoke a cigar and leave another on the ground for Rohrbough, something he does every year.

With two children at Columbine, Ted Hochhalter watched the drama unfold on television while waiting in a Seattle airport for a flight back to Denver. He arrived to find his daughter, Anne Marie, paralyzed and in critical condition, and that his son Nathan had been trapped, but unhurt, in the science wing for four hours.

He took a leave of absence from his job as a government emergency management coordinator. Six months later his wife, Carla, who had a history of mental illness, walked into a pawn shop, picked up a gun and committed suicide.

Hochhalter believes the aftermath of the shootings exacerbated his wife's illness. "It got to a point where she made a choice," he said.

He moved the family into the mountain community of Bailey and married Katherine Zocco, a massage therapist specializing in neuromuscular, spinal cord and brain injuries who worked with Anne Marie and other Columbine survivors.

Anne Marie, now 27, graduated from Columbine in 2000 and lives in a Denver suburb where she works as a retail store manager and a child advocate. Her father retired with a medical disability for post traumatic stress disorder.

The elder Hochhalters are working with John-Michael and Ellen Keyes, whose daughter Emily was killed in a 2006 school shooting in Bailey, to get parents involved in school emergency management programs.

Patrick Ireland, the boy in the window, endured grueling therapy to regain the use of his legs, and he had to relearn how to read, write and talk.

With a control-your-destiny determination, he graduated as valedictorian from Columbine and magna cum laude from Colorado State University. Today, he is a field director for Northwestern Mutual Finance Network in the Denver area and has been married to Kacie for nearly four years.

Ireland recognizes he'll long be remembered as the face of Columbine because of his dramatic rescue. He accepts it as a way to emphasize that Columbine should be another word for "hope and courage."

And how does he want to be remembered?

"A triumphant recovery and success story."
A L B O R O S I E  H A S  S I G N E D  T O  G R E E N S L E E V E S  R E C O R D S

U.K.-based Greensleeves Records announced yesterday that Sicilian producer / artiste Alborosie has signed to their record label. Here is the full draft of their press release on the signing:

Greensleeves is proud to announce the signing of Alborosie!

The hottest thing to come out of Sicily since Mount Etna, Alborosie has established himself since moving to Jamaica as both an in-demand producer and a massively successful solo artiste. Well received stage shows and massive hits like Kingston Town and Herbalist have set the reggae world alight. Alborosie is about to set off on an extensive tour to coincide with his new album to be released on Greensleeves Records that will spread the message worldwide. Alborosie is ready to erupt!

Alborosie recently collaborated with Etana on Blessings, and a music video for this single was released just last week.



A Maryland man believed to have shot and stabbed his wife and three young children to death before killing himself with a shotgun was having money problems and left a note saying he suffered from "psychological issues," authorities said.

Christopher Wood, 34, may have slashed at least some of his family members in the killings and used a small-caliber handgun on others, Frederick County Sheriff Charles Jenkins said.

He was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted shotgun wound at the foot of the bed where the bodies of his wife and 2-year-old daughter lay, the sheriff said.

Wood's sons were 5 and 4 years old, authorities said. His wife, Francie Billotti Wood, was 33.

The boys were found in their beds in a single bedroom, the sheriff said. Authorities did not release the names of the children.

"These are horrific incidents," said Jenkins, who said he couldn't remember another homicide in the past 20 years in Middletown, a one-stoplight town northwest of Baltimore. "No one should ever have to be exposed to this."

Jenkins told CNN that at least five notes apparently handwritten by Wood were found inside the home. While the notes didn't immediately tell investigators what prompted the killings, they did provide some insight into possible problems.

"There is some indication in at least one of the notes that there might have been some psychological issues with Mr. Wood," Jenkins said.

There was "a mention of some medication" in that note, according to the sheriff.

Jenkins said the sheriff's office had no record of domestic violence or other family disputes at the Wood's home.

He said investigators also have learned of money problems for Wood, a salesman for CSX Railroad.

"We are aware there were some, maybe, debt problems -- some financial problems," Jenkins said.

Cpl. Jennifer Bailey said deputies went to the home shortly after 9 a.m. after Mrs. Wood's father called. Her family had not seen the Woods for about a day and her father forced his way into the locked home, finding the bodies, according to Jenkins.

Authorities said a shotgun was found next to Christopher Wood's body and a .25-caliber handgun was found in a "container" in the kitchen. The sheriff said other weapons that could have been used to stab and cut the victims were found, but he did not say what those weapons were.

Francie Wood's family were longtime residents of the Middletown area. Her brother had recently retired from a career as a sheriff's deputy, Jenkins said.

The family had moved to town from Florida about four months ago.

"We're all in shock," said the Rev. Kevin Farmer, the family's minister at Holy Family Catholic Church. "This was a family, though they hadn't been with us very long, they are an integral part of our community."

He said the road the Woods lived on is a shortcut to the church and he would often see the children while riding a scooter he uses when the weather is good.

"They would always stop and wave and get big eyes as the scooter came by," he said. "They were very happy kids."

Jenkins said autopsies will be performed on the bodies over the next few days and that it could be weeks before the results are ready to be released.

Jenkins told CNN that at least five notes apparently handwritten by Wood were found inside the home. While the notes didn't immediately tell investigators what prompted the killings, they did provide some insight into possible problems, the sheriff said.

"There is some indication in at least one of the notes that there might have been some psychological issues with Mr. Wood," Jenkins said.

Cpl. Jennifer Bailey said deputies went to the home shortly after 9 a.m. after Mrs. Wood's father called. The family had not been seen for several days, Bailey said.

Authorities said several weapons, including a shotgun, were found inside the home.

Christopher Wood had been an employee of CSX Railroad, Jenkins said. He said the sheriff's office had no record of domestic violence or other family disputes at the Woods' home.

"In my entire career, just about 20 years, this is probably the worst tragedy I've ever been a part of or ever seen in Frederick County," Jenkins said

Flesh-N-Bone, a member of the Cleveland-acclaimed rap group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony  was arrested Thursday evening in Canyon County, California following a routine traffic infraction. According to Santa Claritas The Signal, Flesh, real name Stantley Howse, had his vehicle searched during the stop, where a firearm and marijuana were reportedly found inside his car.

Charged with gun possession, this is not the first time Flesh has run into legal trouble. In 2000, he was sentenced to twelve years in prison after assaulting a person with an AK-47 assault rifle. For that case, Flesh ended up serving nearly eight years, when he was released in July of 2008. 
Because of his prior history, Flesh is being held without bail at the local county jail, where he will appear in Santa Clarita Superior Court on Monday, April 6th to answer the gun charge

 Reps from Bone Thugs-N-Harmony confirmed the story to be true through Sony Red Records, one of the group's labels. The statement said, "At this time, all the facts have not been revealed publicly, however I can assure you 100% that Mr. Howse has not walked backwards! We live in a great American country where one is innocent until proven guilty."

Yesterday, Flesh entered a not-guilty plea in Santa Clarita Super Court through his defense attorney. The rapper claimed the firearm, reportedly found in his Canyon City, California home in a subsequent search, not his car, was belonging his to his wife, a Chicago Police Department officer. 

It has not been revealed if Flesh's wife is active with the force, or where she resides.

Rapper/actor Xzibit is attracting attention from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for being delinquent on his taxes.  According to reports the entertainer, born Alvin Joiner, owes the IRS $501,840 in federal taxes.  The debt resulted from a $296,355 lien filed by the IRS in Los Angeles County on April 17, 2008. That action was followed by a $205,485 lien the IRS filed in the Los Angeles County Recorder of Deeds office on February 4.  Xzibit is the latest celebrity to come under fire for failing to pay taxes. In March, the New York Department of Taxation repossessed a 2008 Lincoln Navigator belonging to Wu-Tang Clan member Method Man.  The seizure, which took place at the rappers Staten Island home, stemmed from the Method Mans failure to pay $52,503 in personal income taxes.  Last week, news surfaced that singer Dionne Warwick and actor/comedian Sinbad made the California Franchise Tax Boards list of delinquent taxpayers.  Sinbad, who was listed as Sinbad Adkins of Oak Park, Ill., ranked number one among celebrities with a debt of $2.5 million in back income taxes that go back to 1999. Warwick trailed the actor, owing $2.1 million to the state of California. News of Xzibits tax woes come amid the rappers current Euro-Dollar tour in Europe as well as the release of his latest film, American Violet.
The feature, which also stars Alfre Woodard, Nicole Beharie and Charles S. Dutton, is based on the real-life story of a single mother who takes a stand against a Texas district attorney after she is wrongly charged as a drug dealer and imprisoned.




-- Edited by ***DK*** on Sunday 12th of April 2009 02:18:31 PM

-- Edited by gamepun on Sunday 12th of April 2009 02:25:15 PM


With The Last Kiss debuting on the Billboard 200 at the no. 3 slot, selling a shocking 134,520 copies in its first week, caught up with Jadakiss to get his reaction to his first week stats.

Without releasing a solo disc since 2004s Kiss he Game Goodbye, Jada told XXL he was unsure of how his new album would fare. I aint know what to expect now with the way the game is, he said. But I know I got a core fanbase. I dont think Def Jam expected that, so now we gotta get on the same page. I will say thats a great number for the climate and the way the music industry is right now and thats without a big hit at radio.

Last week staff members at XXL weighed in with their sales projections, placing the Yonkers MC at a much lower batting average. The Roc-A-Fella rapper said everyone underestimated him. The whole world did, he expressed. Thats why I got longevity, thats why I got legs.

Its always good when you can say I told you so, he added. Its always good when you get the last laugh. But Im just happy to be embraced after all these years, cause hip-hop fans ears change hourly. Ima be here for awhile.

Reports recently hit the net that Jada, Styles P and Sheek Louch were thinking of resigning with Diddys Bad Boy Records for their long awaited Lox album. I mean, it was a mere conversation thats gonna just get blown outta proportion but in a good way, cause the Lox, we back working on the album and to just create that buzz would be good, he said. If Diddy buy it, if Diddy pays and he got the bread for that, which he does, if Hov, whoever, Jimmy Iovine, wherever, Dre, wherever whatevers financially and statistically better for all of us, well make it happen.

Yet Jada wants to make clear that contractually the group is still signed to Interscope. The contracts still on Interscope so thats first and foremost, he explained. We cant disrespect Jimmy Iovine like that, he owns that right there.

572_beenie_man_.jpgThe Mountain Dew Stunt Festival held at the Jamalco Sports Club in Clarendon has come and gone, but for the thousands they will remember the performance the King of the Dancehall delivered.

He came on stage to loud shouts from his many fans and from thereon he was the pied piper and they were his loyal followers.

Reeling through his vast catalogue of hits he showed why after so many years he is still embrace by the dancehall populace.

Beenie went through his hot hits in the hey days to his current ones. When he was through he left a totally satiated crowd behind.

During the day it was all about fun, rides contests and excitement as Ity & Fancy Cat, Sammy Question and Magician had patrons entering one fun competition after another with them winning prizes courtesy of the sponsors.

The Pro Impact Stunt Team out of the States also had the crowd oohing and aahing at some of the gravity-defying stunts they did.

Later on in the evening it was time for the stage show with Apachie Chief and Sarge cracking up the crowd with their almshouse on stage.

Mystery Man managed to deliver, but Xinyu was a colossal flop, not even the Dance Xpression girls could rescue her.

Nesbeth scored with Boardhouse and Guns Out.

DAngel feared a little better but was not an overwhelming hit with the crowd

But there was no question about the closing act Beenie Manhe was King

-- Edited by biggaman121 on Saturday 18th of April 2009 07:30:22 PM
we a tlk bout a serious case of leechers....

remember when i posted the kartel april fools post, these are the list of newbies who actually posted

mark watson
high tops
outta road
raylando brown
supa stylez
mrs sam
ka e ra ki mu ra
dj epic
taly aka russian

MY POINT IS....What if this was a real post???? u think they wud have left a comment......(i think we got even with the leechers on that one lol

its the first im seeing these ppl

-- Edited by gamepun on Friday 17th of April 2009 08:42:34 AM
It appears that deejay Zumjay, known for the hits Courtney, Zumjay News and Dancing Team, will soon be trying to shrug off the infamous GI Blues as he will be deployed overseas as part of an Army battalion fighting for good old Uncle Sam.
Yes, you read it right folks. Zumjay has joined the US Army reserves, and could be looking to chalk up his first tour of duty sometime later this year.

My primary reason for enlisting in the army was to provide security for me and my family. The music industry, although it is my first love, doesnt provide a pension so this is my alternative, he said.

I cannot rely on music five years from now, I cannot have the quality of my life dependent on whether some selector plays my song or not, or whether a promoter wants to book me for a show. I have to look past that.

Zumjay intends to jumpstart his tertiary education while completing his tour of duty with the Army. Using the US Armys resources which encourage tertiary education, Zumjay will be reading for a degree in video arts and technology at the Borough of Manhattan Community College.

I will also have the opportunity to secure my daughters college tuition as well, so this is a big opportunity for me, he said.

Zumjay endured a gruelling 10 week period of Basic C****at Training and another eight weeks of Advanced Individual training but luckily, the deejay had spent a couple of weeks before enlistment whipping his body into shape.

It was very challenging mentally and physically. I had to get up and run five miles a day every morning at a pace set by the drill sergeant. There is no choice as to how fast you will be running, it wasnt easy but I was an athlete at KC, so it was more mental, being away from my family, my wife Aviesha and my daughter Safiyah, he said.

Zumjay got married on November 29 in 2006 to adolescent sweetheart Aviesha Palmer, a Cornel grad who is a risk analyst for a major firm in New York. The couple has a nine month old daughter who was born in June 2008.

How does your wife feel about your decision to enlist?

She supports me 100 per cent and as a well educated person, she sees it as an avenue to get where I want to go, he said.

Zum said he has no fear that he might be killed in the line of duty.

No fear. I am well trained, disciplined, physically and mentally tough. I believe in God, I pray to Him each day and night to let me go back home safely to my family and to guide my stepsthis is just my time to make things happen outside of music. I see Zumjay as not just a performer but as a contributor to society and I am ready to play my part, he said.

But dancehall fans need not worry, Zumjay will still spit his artfully conceived rhymes for your listening pleasure.

I am continuously recording in New York. More recently, I have worked with Billboard-topping producers such as Sno Cone (Money Man ah Look), Natural Bridge Records, and upcoming producers Platinum Kids who are popular on the New York scene with a collabo with Kristopher called The World is Yours, he said.

Zumjay has already released a new single called Been There, Did It which was produced by Lenky Marsden.

The song is currently getting airplay around the world. Also, you can hit me up on to check out the very latest with whats happening with me, Zumjay said.

He thanked various friends who had played an integral role in supporting his decision to enlist.

I am grateful for the support of my family and the music industry, friends such as Lenky Marsden, Mighty Mike, Mac X of Full Blast Sound, Assassin, Bling Dawg, Alozade, Fyalinks and Cassette Jones

Today, smugglers are moving tons of drugs towards the United States in so-called semi-submersibles, homemade vessels that travel just below the oceans surface and cover distances of up to 2,000 miles.

Because they leave tiny wakes, the crude subs are extremely difficult to detect visually or by radar. Even when they are spotted, crew members quickly sink the vessels to get rid of the evidence and avoid being prosecuted for drug trafficking.

Authorities seized 14 semi-submersibles last year, and another six have been captured this year, according to Col****ian Navy Capt. Mario Rodriguez.

Most of the vessels move between Col****ia and drop-off points in Mexico and Central America. But in 2006, police discovered a scuttled 33-foot-long semi-submersible off the northwest coast of Spain.

Col****ian authorities now believe that up to 70 percent of the cocaine leaving the countrys Pacific coast is packed aboard semi-submersibles. U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat, estimated that the vessels this year would ship up to 480 metric tons of cocaine.

They went from being an urban legend to some sporadic seizures to a flurry in the last two years, said an official at the U.S. embassy in Bogota. Semi-submersibles are the transportation of choice for maritime drug traffickers.

The smugglers are trading speed for stealth.

They used to prefer go-fast boats, high-speed fiberglass watercraft that can carry 2 tons of drugs and travel up to 80 miles per hour in calm seas. But those crafts leave huge wakes and anti-drug agents, using helicopters and their own racing boats, have become far more adept at spotting them.

So, the traffickers have moved underwater by making modifications to the go-fast boat design. A semi-submersible is, in essence, a go-fast boat with a fiberglass top fitted with air vents that stick out of the water.

Instead of high-speed engines, the semi-submersible is powered by a 200 or 300 horsepower diesel motor, allowing the vessel to move about 10 miles per hour. The resulting wake is so small that anti-drug agents or Coast Guard officials must get within 3,000 yards of the vessels to spot them.

Most semi-submersibles are built along the rivers, estuaries and mangrove swamps of Col****ias Pacific coast, at a cost of between $500,000 and $1 million per vessel.

-- Edited by dekaNo on Thursday 16th of April 2009 02:46:31 PM

PRESS RELEASE:Born in Ethiopia International Reggae Artist Sheba Sahlemariam has found her breakout single in "Love This Lifetime". 

The song which was in heavy rotation on several U.K based radio stations including 93.6FM London, Fire 107FM, Vibes 90.6FM and XM101 Satellite Radio has now made its way to Jamaica and is already getting a buzz mainly because of the promotional remix which was recently released by Sonic Dynasty Management Company of Sheba.

The remix which features local superstar deejay Bounty Killer can best be described as a unique fusion of reggae soul and dancehall somewhat reminiscent of Bounty's project with pop singer No-Doubt during the late 1990's.

the greatest rapper a life

February 25, 2008
Started By asian12 Comments
A. LIl Wayne B. Jay_z C.Eminem D.Snoop Dogg E.50 cent F.The Game
The bible says, "faith is the substance of things hope for". "The evidence of the unseen world", but the world teaches us, we must believe only what we see with the natural eye, hence the bible states the opposite, 'only if we believe we will see'!

People nowadays doesn't trust nobody. A girl I knew put it the perfect way by saying, 'A man have to prove himself to her, before she put her trust in him', leave me wondering if nobody really looks in the invisible world again, so what is your take on this issue?

-- Edited by KILLAPRO on Wednesday 15th of April 2009 09:40:05 PM

All Windows shortcuts

December 16, 2007
Started By bLaCkBeatZ16 Comments
The keyboard was invented before the mouse, you should be able to use it better... General keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C (Copy) CTRL+X (Cut) CTRL+V (Paste) CTRL+Z (Undo) DELETE (Delete) SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin) CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item) CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item) F2 key (Rename the selected item) CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word) CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word) CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph) CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph) CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text) SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document) CTRL+A (Select all) F3 key (Search for a file or a folder) ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item) ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program) ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object) ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window) CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously) ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items) ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened) F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop) F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer) SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item) ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window) CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu) ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu) Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command) F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program) RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu) LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu) F5 key (Update the active window) BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer) ESC (Cancel the current task) SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing) CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Open Task Manager) Dialog box keyboard shortcuts If you press SHIFT+F8 in extended selection list boxes, you enable extended selection mode. In this mode, you can use an arrow key to move a cursor without changing the selection. You can press CTRL+SPACEBAR or SHIFT+SPACEBAR to adjust the selection. To cancel extended selection mode, press SHIFT+F8 again. Extended selection mode cancels itself when you move the focus to another control. CTRL+TAB (Move forward through the tabs) CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the tabs) TAB (Move forward through the options) SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the options) ALT+Underlined letter (Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option) ENTER (Perform the command for the active option or button) SPACEBAR (Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box) Arrow keys (Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons) F1 key (Display Help) F4 key (Display the items in the active list) BACKSPACE (Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box) Microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu) Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box) Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop) Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows) Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows) Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer) Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder) CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers) Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help) Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard) Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box) Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager) Accessibility keyboard shortcuts Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off) Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off) Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off) SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off) NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off) Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager) Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts END (Display the bottom of the active window) HOME (Display the top of the active window) NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder) NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents of the selected folder) NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) (Collapse the selected folder) LEFT ARROW (Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder) RIGHT ARROW (Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder) Shortcut keys for Character Map After you double-click a character on the grid of characters, you can move through the grid by using the keyboard shortcuts: RIGHT ARROW (Move to the right or to the beginning of the next line) LEFT ARROW (Move to the left or to the end of the previous line) UP ARROW (Move up one row) DOWN ARROW (Move down one row) PAGE UP (Move up one screen at a time) PAGE DOWN (Move down one screen at a time) HOME (Move to the beginning of the line) END (Move to the end of the line) CTRL+HOME (Move to the first character) CTRL+END (Move to the last character) SPACEBAR (Switch between Enlarged and Normal mode when a character is selected) Microsoft Management Console (MMC) main window keyboard shortcuts CTRL+O (Open a saved console) CTRL+N (Open a new console) CTRL+S (Save the open console) CTRL+M (Add or remove a console item) CTRL+W (Open a new window) F5 key (Update the content of all console windows) ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the MMC window menu) ALT+F4 (Close the console) ALT+A (Display the Action menu) ALT+V (Display the View menu) ALT+F (Display the File menu) ALT+O (Display the Favorites menu) MMC console window keyboard shortcuts CTRL+P (Print the current page or active pane) ALT+Minus sign (-) (Display the window menu for the active console window) SHIFT+F10 (Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item) F1 key (Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item) F5 key (Update the content of all console windows) CTRL+F10 (Maximize the active console window) CTRL+F5 (Restore the active console window) ALT+ENTER (Display the Properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item) F2 key (Rename the selected item) CTRL+F4 (Close the active console window. When a console has only one console window, this shortcut closes the console) Remote desktop connection navigation CTRL+ALT+END (Open the Microsoft Windows NT Security dialog box) ALT+PAGE UP (Switch between programs from left to right) ALT+PAGE DOWN (Switch between programs from right to left) ALT+INSERT (Cycle through the programs in most recently used order) ALT+HOME (Display the Start menu) CTRL+ALT+BREAK (Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen) ALT+DELETE (Display the Windows menu) CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-) (Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.) CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+) (Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.) Microsoft Internet Explorer navigation CTRL+B (Open the Organize Favorites dialog box) CTRL+E (Open the Search bar) CTRL+F (Start the Find utility) CTRL+H (Open the History bar) CTRL+I (Open the Favorites bar) CTRL+L (Open the Open dialog box) CTRL+N (Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address) CTRL+O (Open the Open dialog box, the same as CTRL+L) CTRL+P (Open the Print dialog box) CTRL+R (Update the current Web page) CTRL+W (Close the current window)
ScienceDaily (Apr. 8, 2009) Men with premature ejaculation who used a topical spray five minutes before intercourse were able to delay their orgasm six times longer than normal, according to a study in the April issue of BJU International.

Three hundred men with clinically diagnosed lifelong premature ejaculation (PE) from 31 centres in the UK, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, were randomised into two groups. Two hundred used the PSD502 spray, which contains 7.5mg of lidocaine and 2.5mg of prilocaine, and 100 used a placebo spray with no active ingredients.

Every time they had intercourse during the three-month study period, each couple measured the time from vaginal penetration to ejaculation with a stopwatch. The men were asked to abstain from sexual activity or masturbation for 24 hours before each recorded encounter.

The time from penetration to ejaculation increased from an average of 0.6 minutes to 3.8 minutes in the medicated group and to just 1.1 minutes in the placebo group.

When these figures were adjusted to take account of any variations between the two groups, these showed that the treatment group were able to last 6.3 times longer after penetration when they used the spray. The placebo group lasted 1.7 times longer.

Premature ejaculation can be a very distressing condition for men and can cause distress, frustration and make them avoid sexual intimacy says lead researcher Professor W Wallace Dinsmore from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK.

-- Edited by MZJ on Wednesday 15th of April 2009 07:54:55 PM


MELBOURNE, Australia Four baby pythons escaped from a container aboard a passenger plane in Australia, leading to a search that forced the cancellation of two flights, the airline said Thursday.

Twelve non-venemous Stimson pythons were being transported Tuesday on a flight from Alice Springs to Melbourne in the plane's cargo area in a bag inside a plastic foam box with air holes.

When the flight landed, it was discovered that four snakes had escaped from the package, a Qantas spokeswoman said in a statement.

A reptile expert searched for the 6-inch (15-centimeter) -long snakes but did not find them. It was not known if the snakes were still on the plane or if they had somehow escaped outside after the plane landed.

In the meantime, the plane missed two flights it had been scheduled to fly and the passengers were transferred to other flights.

When the snakes were not found, the airplane was fumigated and it returned to service on Wednesday.

Stimson's pythons, which can grow up to three feet (one meter) long, live in western and central Australia and are not an endangered species.


Two cannibals have been feasting on the remains of their brother for the last six months in an effort to hide his murder, it was revealed today.

The brothers, identified only as 28-year-old Timur and 23-year-old Marat admitted killing their older brother Rafis and then eating him, in the central Russian city of Perm.

Police grew suspicious when the brothers reported Rafis missing but were vague giving details of their brother, according to tabloid Tvoi Den.

After raiding the house of the brothers police discovered the skeleton of Rafis that the brothers had stripped bare and buried in the garden.

Timur said he ate his brother because he couldn't face going back to prison, where he had served 10 years for murdering his next door neighbour.

'Yes, we've decided to eat him. I did not want to return behind the bars, so we have cut off his head and buried it and the body have cut in parts and kept in a refrigerator,' Timur reportedly said.

'We have been cooking and eating his meat for six months,' he added.

The 28-year-old said he blamed his brother Rafis for his last spell in jail, after he reported him to police for the murder. Timur also said youngest brother Marat had sided with him in the fight.

-- Edited by Star bwoy on Saturday 18th of April 2009 08:55:01 PM

The Damaged hitmakers, which Diddy put together for his reality TV series Making The Band, fell apart in January after the shock departures of Aubrey O'Day, D. Woods and Shannon Bex last year.

Remaining stars Richard and Fimbres insisted they would try to "pick up the pieces" of the fractured group - but it appears there's no future for Danity Kane after C****s dismissed the bubbly brunette from the band in this week's episode of the MTV show.

In the footage, aired in the U.S. on Thursday night, Diddy tells Fimbres, "You're a great person, you're a great girl, but if I did another group, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a group with you. I've given (it) a lot of thought and I'm gonna let you out (of) your (recording) contract too."

However, Diddy is intent on keeping Richard on his roster at Bad Boy Records - although he blames the bandmembers' own behaviour for prompting his decision: "As far as for you Dawn, I still want to make music with you. I still want you to be signed to the label. And if I decide to put back together Danity Kane, then you'll be the only member that'd still be there. This isn't a decision I wanted to make. To be honest, y'all girls made this decision for me."

And Diddy has apologised to fans for his decision. He writes on his blog, "To all the Danity Kane fans - I truly am sorry. I really did my best. I'm looking fwd (forward) 2 (sic) making another female band! Thank u 4 all ur (sic) support!!!

"At the end of the day I just want people to be happy... if Danity Kane couldn't be happy together, I'd rather they be happy apart. All love!!!"

jahcurerelease.jpgThe Universal Cure - Jah Cure on Sobe Entertainment Records.

Easy's Star Lonely Hearts Dub Band - Easy All Stars on All Stars Records.

Meet The Now Generation - The Heptones on 17th North Parade Records.

Scorchers From The Early Years 1967-73 - Joe Gibbs on VP Records.

dellyalbum.jpgMy first crush on Delly Ranx is when I heard him say "Walk with the dip inna your little mini skirt girl cause you fit the script gal" in the collaboration song "Party Time" with Voicemail. 

Over the years I had the chance to interview Delly Ranx and I always am amazed on how this talented, multi hit artist remains so humble. Delly Ranx is an international artist, producer and singer.

Just in time for the summer parties, festivals and concert Delly Ranx much anticipated album "Good Profile" will be released on Itation Records. The album features the hit singles such as "Wish Good", "Sensi Ride" and "I'm Going Crazy" featuring Chico.

If you haven't seem him perform don't worry, as soon as I know his tour schedule I will let all of you know

In light of the recent reports of hairy, four-handed beasts either attacking humans and destroying plants, in at least two parishes, one man is convinced that the phantom creatures are apes, brought to Jamaica through the illicit guns-for-drug trade with Haiti.

Speaking with THE STAR yesterday, voodoo artist Dr Morung, from the island's western end, said that the beasts behind the recent reports in the media came to the island on drug boats as a means of added protection.

"De man dem wha inna de guns-for-drug trade ova dere (Haiti) dem carry de apes on de boat to Jamaica because when dey get here, they want to mek sure de boat secure while they transact their business," Dr Morung said. "So dem lef de ape dem inna de boat fi watch and scare people if dem come near it."

The voodoo man said that in some instances, the ape might wonder off and is left behind.


Witch doctor

When asked what made him so sure of his theory, the witch doctor responded: "I travel go Haiti nuff due to my work and mi kno dat nuff ape ova deh because de Haitian dem love use animals in their craft and dem will carry de ape pon de boat dem fi scare off people."

The man also continued that the "big, hairy, bushlike, four-handed" description that is used to describe the creatures in recent reports is in keeping with the type of apes he has seen in Haiti.

When THE STAR contacted spokesman for Operation Kingfish, Detective Sergeant Jubert Llewellyn, however, the policeman could not confirm having seen any of the animals in their operations.

"I have been on a lot of operations and I have never had that experience, so I could not speak to that," the lawman said.

Llewellyn said that he would not want to go overboard and link the recent reports to this theory. Instead, he said that the creature may be nothing more that a large rodent, much like the capibara.

A representative from the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) yesterday said that they, too had "no knowledge of apes being present in Jamaica" or the Caribbean for that matter. The source said that while they have had some reports in the past, there has been no evidence to substantiate the claims.

In the meantime, a source close to the illicit trade between both islands also denied the claim.


Furry creature

In recent times, residents of both Port Morant, St Thomas and Clark's Town in Manchester have reported having encounters with a furry creature. In the St Thomas episode last week, a nine-year-old girl related how she was playing with friends when a bushy beast held on to her legs and tried to snatch her away. Luckily, she was rescued.

Sometime before that incident, a farmer from the Clifton Hill area of the parish recalled having a run-in with a similar monster. During that encounter, the man escaped but his dog was eaten.

In the first incident in March, farmers in Clark's Town vowed to capture an elusive four-handed creature, which had been destroying banana plants in that community for over a year. Residents said the beast appeared monkey-like.

The Mandeville police said they had heard of the creature and, just like residents, are anxiously awaiting an encounter.


From -- The Detroit Pistons' star guard, Allen Iverson, has been reportedly banned from two local casinos for disruptive and rude behavior.

According to The Detroit News, the 33-year-old NBA star is regular at the MGM and Greektown casinos since arriving in town after a trade from the Denver Nuggets, and a recent disturbance has resulted in the NBA star being banned.

The league is said to be looking into a disturbance at Greektown that involved one of Iverson's bodyguards. Iverson's role was unclear at press time, but his bodyguard was involved in some sort of altercation, resulting in the player's ban.

However, the report says that Iverson was banned mostly for "his boorish behavior." He is a bad loser, who often throws his chips or cards at the dealer upon losing, and has been warned on multiple occasions.

The paper said Iverson "is often loud and disruptive, according to witnesses, rude to dealers, other players and the wait staff."

Iverson is said to have a long history of gambling, and often made treks to Atlantic City while played for the Philadelphia 76ers.

He reportedly caused a disturbance at a casino outside Minneapolis earlier this season.

In December 2005, Iverson got into an argument with a dealer at the Trump Taj Mahal casino after the dealer overpaid him $10,000 on a bet he made while playing three-card stud poker. He initially refused to give the chips back, but did so later and received a gaming voucher in that amount from the Taj.

Before that, in February 2004, Iverson urinated into a trashcan at Bally's on the casino floor, shocking nearby patrons. On several trips to Philadelphia, Iverson and his friends returned to the Taj Mahal, his Atlantic City spot of choice.

International dancehall group TOK is back in the US, following a series of successful shows in Canada, where an issued release stated that "all venues were full to capacity, with eager fans requesting that they (TOK) return up north to do encore performances."

While in Canada, Craigy T, Bay C, Flexx and Alex were also invited to do a photoshoot with photographer Doro Saiz.

Now back in New York, the group will be busy with a series of meetings with VP Records to finalise details on the release of their new album.

Aptly titled Our World, the album is scheduled for release in Japan on June 16. The Western Hemisphere, on the other hand, will experience Our World by late summer.

For mainstream sports fans thirsting for an athlete to come completely clean about taboo subjects in sports, here's an introduction to mixed martial arts fighter Nick Diaz, who not only speaks openly but is willing to answer follow-up questions.
"I'm more consistent about everything being a cannabis user," Diaz said in an interview with The Times last week. "I'm happy to get loaded, hear some good music . . . I remain consistent. And I have an easy way to deal with [the drug tests].
"I can pass a drug test in eight days with herbal cleansers. I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day. I'll be fine."

Stockton's Diaz, 25, is pitted against MMA veteran Frank Shamrock on Saturday night in San Jose in the main event of the first Strikeforce card on Showtime since the former promotional organization Elite XC folded last year.

Strikeforce inherited much of the Elite XC roster, and Shamrock-Diaz will be a 179-pound catchweight bout as Shamrock moves down from 185 and Diaz moves up from 160.

"This is a super important fight -- for Showtime to show the MMA world there's a clear alternative to the UFC -- and that's exactly why you're seeing this matchup of exciting, forward-moving fighters who bang," Shamrock, 36, said. "I respect [Diaz's] talent, he brings it." What Diaz brings beyond flying fists and the ability to shut off a foe's breathing by holding the opponent's throat against his bottom leg is unbending honesty about his marijuana use, his frustration with his former bosses at the Ultimate Fighting Championship and his belief that steroids are pervasive in his sport.


"Let 'em do it, they'll have a shorter career than me," said Diaz (18-7 with 10 knockouts, five submissions and a no-contest). "With all that wear and tear on their tendons, something's going to explode. I feel like these guys are hurting themselves. You can't consistently fight on steroids."

Unfortunately for Diaz, state athletic commissions also ban marijuana use, and he tested positive for the illegal drug in Las Vegas after his impressive win over Japan's Takanori Gomi in early 2007. A state athletic commissioner in Nevada argued Diaz was numb to pain because of excessive marijuana in his system. Diaz's victory was vacated; he was fined and suspended for six months.

"The drug is banned because of the damage it does to the person taking it," said Keith Kizer, Nevada State Athletic Commission executive officer. "It could make you lethargic, slow your reflexes, and those are dangerous things in a c****at sport."

The California State Athletic Commission said Diaz would undergo drug testing before and after Saturday's fight.

Diaz, however, argues marijuana eases problems he has battled since childhood when, he says, he was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and prescribed mood-altering medication. His rebellion as a youth forced him to relocate to schools where he continually felt out of place and he ultimately became a high school dropout.

"I like the idea of being able to fight my way out of something," Diaz said.

Diaz fought on his first professional MMA card at 18 and was on the UFC roster two years later. He was 7-4 in MMA's premier organization, losing to two fighters who have since been suspended for steroids (Sean Sherk) and pain-killers (Karo Parisyan) and dropping another decision to current UFC lightweight title contender Diego Sanchez.

In 2006, Diaz was extended an invitation to compete on the UFC's popular "The Ultimate Fighter 4" reality television series. He said he didn't like the idea of being continually followed by cameras and speculated his presence was more a threatened order than a request.

Shortly after, Diaz and the UFC parted ways, although his brother Nate still fights in the organization. In Nick's first post-UFC fight, he tested positive for marijuana. He suspects someone tipped off authorities. "I got high in my [hotel] room the night before every [UFC] fight," Diaz said. But Kizer said Diaz was merely among 10 of 16 PRIDE Fighting Championships athletes who were tested that night.

Diaz is 4-1 since, earning a Brazilian jujitsu black belt in 2007 and complementing his intense MMA training by competing in triathlons. On March 29, Diaz finished fourth in his age group in an event in Sacramento as part of his training for Saturday's fight.

Said Shamrock of Diaz: "He definitely smokes marijuana. That's his own business, but it's not the greatest thing for the sport. We're fighting a stigma. Still, there's something refreshing about his honesty."

Diaz says he believes MMA fans admire his attitude, more so than his peers.

"I don't worry about the sport, I worry about my own . . . teeth getting kicked in," Diaz said.

Mi know how him gwaan stil, like say him a the shit, pity him nuh know say shit belong inna toilet and it always get flush...

May Pen MKQD finalists ready to shine

THE STAR continues its look at some of the contestants in this year's Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall.

Four finalists from May Pen will have their shot at being named dancehall royalty this season.



Tiki was motivated to enter the music business by her deceased cousin, who believed in her and her music abilities, including her songwriting skills. The young deejay started singing and writing songs at 12 years old. Tiki captured the attention of Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall when she auditioned in May Pen with the song Hardcore. The deejay notes that as a single mother with a three-year-old, this competition is an investment for her, as she's looking to break into the music market by showing her undisputed talent, which she believes will definitely bring success for her.



"People say I was good in school and I got a lot of encouragement from friends, but I used to dismiss it because I really wasn't convinced and was doubtful of my abilities," commented Tattoo. Tattoo says that it was after Hurricane Ivan that she decided to enter the music business. "After Ivan, I was at home with some of my friends and one of my friends wrote a song and said they needed a female to do a part. I deejayed that part and everyone looked on in amazement because I did it so well." Tattoo notes that Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall is the second talent competition that she has entered, but the first in which that she has been successful.

Bingy Linkz (check out Bingy Linkz @ (


Hailing from the Connors district outside Old Harbour, Bingy Linkz got the name 'Bingy' while still in school. Later, Linkz was added after he developed a strong liking for the entertainment of Firelinks. His friends blended the school name Bingy and the 'Links' from Firelinks and created the name Bingy Linkz. But this wasn't where the young selector and deejay developed the desire to start a career in music. He revealed: "I had this artiste friend in my community and he heard me deejaying and said that I should try to move into the dancehall sector.

"I was also told that my father used to be a deejay in the community too, so that motivated me to take it further."



Warrior changed his name from Faith Warrior, a name with a mostly spiritual significance, to something more profound. Warrior prides himself on being a double talent who sings and deejays. However, deejaying was what got him a spot in the second round of Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall. While in school, the young deejay recalls singing and deejaying with his friends. He believes his vocal skills have developed, with a unique sound like Laden, but with a deejay style similar to Tony Matterhorn. The Tastee Talent Search was the first talent show he entered a few years ago, but he never made it past the pre-judging stage. He pointed out: "I deejayed, but I believe that they were catering more to singers. after not being successful, I tried my luck at Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall."


why girls love money suh

February 22, 2009
Started By Geo frass13 Comments
jah knw star rite now mi a chat to some girl and alone money dem talk bout a tell man bout dem a hattaz suh dem muss love money

dancehall videos

April 2, 2008
Started By jmeil5 Comments
hey should more dance videos made or are there enough ... but some of the good songs have no videos ... i wanna know your viewdwine

-- Edited by jmeil at 18:33, 2008-04-02
comment on it ppl!!!
When you think of sex, the words wet, slippery and hot come to mind, especially if you're talking about having sex in water. However, water sex isn't as easy as jumping into the pool and going at it. In fact, water sex is pretty dangerous for many reasons. Having sex underwater -- or "submerged" sex -- is simply not a good idea, especially for women. Here are some ways to get wet and wild without going below the surface.

Sexy but safe

While having sex in water is slippery fun, you still have to practice safe sex, and unfortunately, if you plan on using a condom, know that water and condoms do not mix.

Not a lot of research has been done, but here is what we know: Hot water and chemicals (like chlorine) most likely affect a condom's durability, so don't count on the protection. The other problem is the increased chance of the condom slipping off. That is not only nerve-racking but also awkward for everyone involved. It's a good plan to have some backup condoms at the ready.

Stay wet

You would think that with all the extra liquid, sex in water would create extra lubrication, but that isn't the case. Water actually washes away the natural lubrication from a woman's body, which can lead to some not-so-pleasurable sex.
Your best bet is to use a silicone lubricant, which is not water-soluble and will make penetration a lot more comfortable for both of you.

Ready for the deep end

Once you've settled the condom situation and got your hands on some lube, you're set. So where can you go to indulge in a little aqua love?

In the pool: A public pool is out of the question, so stick close to home on this one. The problem with pool sex is the chlorinated water rushing in and out of your lady, which can cause damage and infection. A good alternative is oral sex. Have your girl sit on the deck of the pool or on the stairs while you stand in the water, or vice versa.

In the tub/shower: If your tub is small, you could have trouble in the missionary position, but the shower is a great place for standing-up sex. You get the pleasure of being wet, without the chance of too much water entering private areas. For safety purposes, invest in some anti-slip stickers for the floor. Once you get going, you don't want your gal sliding all over the place. Having something to hold onto (a stable rack, or bar installed in the shower) wouldn't be a bad idea either -- this will provide support for from-behind action.

In open waters:
Salt water isnt exactly a vagina's best friend. A good, old-fashioned hand job could be the best option. The worst part about lake or ocean sex is the sand factor. Somehow, even if you are extra careful, sand ends up lodged... places. Instead, start things off in the water, but then head to dry land. Have a big blanket on the beach where you can head off to when it's time to do the deed. You should be a fairly decent swimmer if you fool around in a lake or the ocean. Make sure you both have footing in reach and that the waves and undertow aren't too strong. And be aware: sex is illegal in public places, so this might be a good time to keep your eyes open during the deed.

real-life wet dreams

If after reading this you decide that water sex is too much of a hassle, consider water foreplay instead. Perhaps a nude soak in the hot tub, a soapy scrub-down in the shower, or a late-night skinny-dip in a lake. After you've gotten wet and clean, you can head to a more comfortable place to get dirty.

Ninja man & Bounty killa War Brewing

September 12, 2008
Started By shamar2 Comments
"I am coming for Bounty," Ninja Man declares. "Mi nah go hit the stage until they call on Bounty Killer. You make sure you tell them that me, Ninja Man, say so."   Desmond Ballentine, known in Dancehall circles as the 'original front teet, gold teet, gun pon teet' Don Gorgon Ninjaman, has officiallly declared war--lyrical war that is. Renowned for stealth, witty verbal tactics, and over the top stage antics, Jamaica's prized vocal assassin has his sights set on one thing and one thing only for the New Jersey Reggaefest to verbal destroy the 'Warlord.'

Not missing a chance to show America what he is made of, Ninja Man has guaranteed to show the New Jersey Reggaefest, dubbed the 'Year of the Great,' that this will be the year of the great lyrical slaying of his on-again off-again stage rival Rodney "Bounty Killer" Price who has garnered his own reputation for his razor-sharp lyrical delivery, and 'cross, angry, and miserable' disposition on the microphone.

"'Merica never really get a good stage competition yet," states Ninja. "It is about time the Dancehall people in 'Merica really get to see somebody lyrically dead pon stage. I am coming for the one Rodney Price, who a gwaan like people 'fraid a him, then him always a run and a hide. Well, this time he can't run and hide and me a go kill him with lyrics pon stage. New Jersey better get ready , 'cause I am coming for the one Bounty Killer."

While the usual verbal chiding between the two has been uncomfortably tense over the past few months with each making very personal attacks and allegations against the other, Ninja makes it clear that the war is "strictly lyrical."

"Bounty feels like he is one of the greats in the 'year of the great,' oh really," Ninja teases. "It will be the year of great mourning, all of him New Jersey and New York fan dem a go mourn fi him--in the lyrical, not literal, sense. Don't get it confused."

"People know that they can expect anything at the New Jersey Reggaefest," chuckles concert organizer Casey "G City" Rankine of Road Block Radio, adding that "it's all in the name of fun and entertainment. Ninja, Bounty, and Beenie Man have been in the industry for well over a decade, they are three of the greatest, and this will no doubt be a great display of talent."

Currently Bounty Killer is on tour in Japan, but the Alliance camp has confirmed that the throngs of Tri-State Dancehall fans can expect a lively performance to which the 'Five Star General' will not falter. With the recent addition of Alliance members Bugle and Serani, and a rare U. S. performance from Roots Reggae empress Queen I-frica, patrons can rest assure that the 2008 NJ Reggaefest will be the greatest of an eight-year history of stellar stage shows.


WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, millionaires from his best-selling books, made $2.7 million last year and paid just under one-third of their adjusted income in federal taxes. While the income, mostly his, was far more than the U.S. median household income of about $50,000, it was quite a decrease from the $4.2 million the Obamas made in 2007.

Both years, nearly all of the earnings came from Obama's best-selling books. "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" brought in about $2.5 million in royalties last year, according to copies of the returns released by the White House on Wednesday, the federal filing deadline.

Obama earned $139,204 as a Democratic senator from Illinois last year before leaving his seat after winning the November election. Michelle Obama received a salary of $62,709 from the University of Chicago Hospitals, where she was an executive.

The couple's total federal tax came to $855,323. That was 32 percent of their adjusted gross income of $2,656,902.

The Obamas overpaid by $26,014, and elected to apply that amount to their 2009 taxes.

The couple's federal tax deductions included about $50,000 in home mortgage interest.

They reported contributing $172,050 to charity last year, including $25,000 each to the CARE international relief agency and the United Negro College Fund. That $172,050 represented about 6.5 percent of the family's adjusted gross income. That is higher than the national average of roughly 4 percent among Americans who give to charity, according to U.S. government figures.

The Obamas gave a total of $1,400 to five churches. In contrast to 2007, they gave nothing to the Trinity United Church of Christ. Barack Obama was a longtime member of the church, and gave it $26,270 in 2007, but resigned from it and cut ties with its pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, after Wright made incendiary comments that became a campaign issue.

The Obamas' total Illinois income tax was $78,765, their state return showed.

The White House also released Vice President Joe Biden's tax returns. Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $269,256 last year.

The Bidens' main sources of income were salaries from the Senate, Widener University, Delaware Technical & Community College and royalties from the audio rights to the vice president's memoir, "Promises to Keep."

According to tax returns released by the vice president's office, the Bidens paid $46,952 in federal income taxes and $11,164 in Delaware state income taxes. They donated $1,885 to charity.

Biden served in the Senate from 1973 until Jan. 15 of this year.

Lauryn Hill - Ms Hill-2008

January 19, 2008
Started By DrJayBone11 Comments
Lauryn Hill - Ms Hill-2008


An American rapper Lauren Hill returns with a new unofficial album called simply Ms. Hill. This legendary singer and a long time member of The Fugees greatly mixes the RnB and Hip Hop tunes together in a great compilation of 25 songs.

Lauryn hill is an accomplished rapper, singer, record producer and film actress. Ms. Hill initially established her reputation as force to be reckoned with on the fugees albums blunted on reality and the score. She launched her solo career with the miseducation of lauryn hill, bringing the then emerging neo-soul genre to a wider commercial platform. She has won countless awards worldwide and is finally back with a collection of new unreleased gems, remixes and classics ! Features guests dangelo, rah digga & john forte.

ARTIST.: lauryn hill
ALBUM..: ms hill
GENRE..: hip-hop
RELEASE DATE.: 01/18/2008
SIZE..: 80,10 MB
PLAYTIME.: 74:48 min
QUALITY: VBRkbps / 44,1kHz / joint-stereo


01. intro 00:57
02. lose myself 04:18
03. so high (remix) 03:47
04. take it easy 02:53
05. blame it on the sun 05:09
06. final hour 04:10
07. lost ones 04:24
08. so you like the way 01:18
09. superstar 04:56
10. here but 00:42
11. tell him 04:36
12. the sweetest thing 04:46
13. skit 00:20
14. the sweetest thing (remix) 04:19
15. l-*la*hgie 04:30
16. skit 2 00:33
17. music 00:56
18. cowboys 01:06
19. how many emcees 01:56
20. guantanamera 00:47
21. soon as i got home 01:42
22. freedom 04:39
23. sk is 00:50
24. ex.factor 05:24
25. nothing even matter 05:50

*Check the 'R&B/RAP/HIP-HOP Albums & Mixtape' section for the album.

-- Edited by DrJayBone at 09:26, 2008-01-19


April 17, 2009 --

According to the NY POST

HIP-hop king Jay-Z's entourage is trying to avoid paying a popular Chelsea club for a pricey night out, according to the owner.

In February, Atlantic Records executive Michael Kyser and Universal Music Group honcho Shawn Costner took Jay-Z and his posse out to M2 in Chelsea. But owner Joey Morrisey claims that Kyser and Costner are refusing to pay their $1,500 tab.

"Jay-Z ordered a bottle of Patron Platinum and some expensive champagne, and everything was going great," M2 man- ager Dan Develin tells Page Six. "The waitress has known him for five years, and he's a good friend of Joey's, so we ended up comping a lot of their bill."

But when the check came for $1,500 -- amounting to less than a third of the tab they'd actually rung up -- things got hairy. "Kyser and Costner were making a big show of wanting to take Jay-Z out, so they started arguing over who got to pick up the check," Develin says. "Jay-Z ended up tipping the waitress $500 and going outside to wait."

Eventually, Develin says, the two decided to split it. After Costner's corporate MasterCard was declined, however, Kyser agreed to foot the entire bill.

"Before we could get him to sign the receipt, he left the club," Develin says. "Of course, we still have his card, so we called up his office, and his assistant told us someone would come by to sign. Weeks went by, and no one ever did. Finally, we got a call from AmEx and were told that Kyser was disputing the charge. When we called him up again, his assistant said, 'Oh, Michael says he doesn't actually remember being there' -- which is crazy because we have his card and photos of him and Jay-Z."

Owner Morrissey said, "We just want to settle this and be done without having to press charges." A spokesman for Jay-Z declined to comment. Neither Keyser nor Costner returned repeated calls.


From -- With Octomom and former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevic possibly getting their own reality shows, another celeb -- who also shouldn't get the TV spotlight -- is getting his own blog of time on reality TV.

That celeb is dog fighting NFL star Michael Vick.

Vick, who is currently serving a 23-month sentence for his role in a dogfighting conspiracy, has reportedly landed a $600,000 deal, according to E! News, to star in his own unscripted reality series, once he's released from federal prison.

Filming is said to start on July 20, and will follow him as he seeks to "make amends for his past," including starting work at a $10-an-hour construction job as he applies for reinstatement in the NFL.

The Hollywood Reporter says that producers courted Vick behind bars and are shopping the series to cable outlets like A&E and Spike TV.

Other reports indicate that the $600,000 figure is on the low side of what Vick is seeking. Vick, who reportedly owes millions to creditors, is seeking a high-dollar figure for his participation in the show.

Does he deserve a reality show? Sound off in the comments.
i was watching wrestlemania sunday, but it occured to me to ask....?

this is one of the best wrestling rivalries

the lades like the rock, but the thugs rate stone cold...

what do u say?
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In the 1980s, "The Cosby Show" owned Thursday nights. A big part of the show's success was the crew of kids who populated Heathcliff Huxtable's household. Now with one of the Cosby alum developing a reality show, we thought it high time for a Web check-in on all the kids...and man, there were a lot of 'em. Here they are, ranked in order of Search popularity.

Keshia Knight Pulliam (Rudy)
Ms. Knight Pulliam played the youngest (for a time), Rudy. She's back in the public eye thanks to her role in Tyler Perry's latest flick and her new reality show, "Keshia and Kaseem." The program, airing on Oxygen, will follow the lives of the actress and her live-in boyfriend, entrepreneur Kaseem Penn. Search interest in the show is high (for now).

Raven-Symoné (Olivia)
Raven-Symoné was the new cute kid who the producers brought in when Rudy reached her awkward tween phase. Of all the kids, she's had the biggest post-Cosby career, starring in numerous films and her own TV show: "That's So Raven." Popular related searches include "raven-symone photos" and...wait for it..."that's so raven videogames."

Lisa Bonet (Denise)
She hasn't starred in anything "big" for a while, but Ms. Bonet still draws an impressive number of queries. She may be best known for her turn opposite Robert DeNiro in the controversial movie "Angel Heart." Bonet and her husband, Jason Momoa, also made news when they named their child Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa.

Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Theo)
Like Raven-Symone, Mr. Warner is both an actor and a singer. The Emmy-nominee has starred in his own sitcom, "Malcolm and Eddie," the Showtime hit "Dexter," and the poorly received 2008 romantic comedy, "Fool's Gold" (it wasn't his fault). He's also released a few CDs, including "The Miles Long Mixtape." We haven't had the pleasure of listening to it, but the cover has us intrigued.

Tempestt Bledsoe (Vanessa)
Much like Jan Brady, Bledsoe had the thankless task of playing the annoying middle child. Still, she went on to host her own short-lived talk show, and also appeared on the third season of "Celebrity Fit Club." According to Wikipedia, she and her boyfriend will appear in a Fox reality show called "Househusbands." Sounds a lot like Keshia's career...

Sabrina LeBeauf (Sondra)
The eldest Cosby kid is also the least popular in Search. Lookups are scant for the actress, but we did manage to track down a bit of info from IMDb. They report that she continues to act and has her own interior design company. Trivia alert: Apparently she beat out Whitney Houston for the role of Sondra.

In my opinion i think this song is the best song from kartel in a long time, even tho its another singing song, but i like the concept of this track....its simlar to life sweet.....i think kartel has the ability to write good stories.......its talking about real life situations, u haffi be careful

also i notice that stephen is coming out more and more as an artist, i think he's gonna try an approach simlar to serani.....he has a nice voice and he will get full support if he becomes an singer. also i like the riddim, its been a long time stephen hasnt made a riddim thats different from the rest...props for this one

if u notice kartel's collabs with singers always blend in well, from collabs with marshall, mavado,jah vinchi and even when collabs with female artist......

creativity is the key thing in music


-- Edited by gamepun on Friday 17th of April 2009 07:57:29 AM

-- Edited by gamepun on Friday 17th of April 2009 08:07:16 AM
Media scramble to get a copy of the Pirate Bay trial verdict at the district courthouse in Stockholm


Media scramble to get a copy of the Pirate Bay trial verdict at the district courthouse in Stockholm


Four men behind popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay were convicted today of breaking Sweden's copyright law by helping millions of users freely download music, movies and computer games on the internet.

In a landmark ruling, the Stockholm district court sentenced Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij and Carl Lundstrom to one year each in prison.

They were also ordered to pay damages of 30m kronor (£2.4m) to a series of entertainment companies, including Warner Bros, Sony Music Entertainment, EMI and Columbia Pictures.

With an estimated 22 million users, The Pirate Bay has become the entertainment industry's enemy No. 1 after successful court actions against file-swapping sites such as Grokster and Kazaa.

Lundstrom helped finance the site while the three other defendants administered it.

Defence lawyers had argued the quartet should be acquitted because The Pirate Bay doesn't host any copyright-protected material. Instead, it provides a forum for its users to download content through so-called torrent files. The technology allows users to transfer parts of a large file from several different users, increasing download speeds.

The court found the defendants guilty of helping users commit copyright violations "by providing a website with ... sophisticated search functions, simple download and storage capabilities, and through the tracker linked to the website."

In a video clip posted on the internet, Sunde called the ruling "bizarre" and said it would be appealed. He also dismissed the damages to the entertainment companies, saying "we can't pay and we won't pay."

Mockingly, he held up a hand-scribbled "I owe U" note to the camera. "This is as close as you will get to having money from us," he said.

The case focused on dozens of works that the prosecutor said were downloaded illegally. They included songs by the Beatles, Robbie Williams and Coldplay, movies such as "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and computer games including "World of Warcraft Invasion."

Judge Tomas Norstrom told reporters that the court took into account that the site was "commercially driven" when it made the ruling. The defendants have denied any commercial motives behind the site.

John Kennedy, the head of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, called the verdict good news for anyone "who is making a living or a business from creative activity and who needs to know their rights will be protected by law."

When he testified in the trial on behalf of international music companies, Kennedy said that illegal file-sharing had cost the recording industry billions of dollars in lost revenue.

The court hearings, which ended on 3 March, renewed debate about file-sharing in Sweden, where many defend the right to swap songs and movies freely on the internet. Critics say that Swedish authorities caved in to pressure from the US when they launched the crackdown on The Pirate Bay in 2006.

The Pirate Bay's supporters mobilized for the trial, waving black skull-and-crossbones flags outside the court and setting up a website dedicated to the proceedings. The defendants sent updates from the court hearings on social networking site Twitter.

The verdict comes as Europe debates stricter rules to crack down on those who share content illegally on the internet.

Last week French legislators rejected a plan to cut off the internet connections of people who illegally download music and films, but the government plans to resurrect the bill for another vote this month.

Opponents said the legislation would represent a Big Brother intrusion on civil liberties, while the European Parliament last month adopted a nonbinding resolution that defines internet access as an untouchable "fundamental freedom."

Sweden earlier this month introduced a new law that makes it easier to prosecute file-sharers because it requires internet service providers to disclose the internet protocol-addresses of suspected violators to copyright owners.

Critics said the new law could harm Sweden's reputation as a spawning ground for Internet technology. The country of 9 million has one of Europe's highest rates of Internet penetration, but has also gained a reputation as a hub for file-sharers.

Statistics from the Netnod Internet Exchange, an organisation measuring Internet traffic in Sweden, suggested that daily online activity dropped more than 40 per cent after the law took effect on 1 April.


Chrysler was on hand for the 2009 NY Auto Show in order to showcase the 200C concept, a car that utilizes Nartron's touch technology in order to operate entirely without buttons. Inspired by Apples iPhone, the system is called IQ Power and features big, colorful controls and even cover-flow album art for media browsing. Interestingly the system will allow "any smartphone" to be used as an intelligent key, unlocking doors and even accessing a video stream of the car's interior. The system naturally offers UConnect and features a wireless tablet that allows passengers to send music recommendations to the driver's console. Check it out!
Snoop Dogg  is the latest Hip Hop artist now immortalized in Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Ironically set to be unveiled on April 20 (4/20), the famed marijuana advocate, actor, businessman and multi-platinum emcee will be on display in the Las Vegas2b.gif location of the famed wax sculptor's museum.

Reportedly made at the cost of $300,000 the figure is portrayed with Snoop's clothing line Rich & Infamous as the Long Beach star's attire. The rapper donated the cloths, which also included a signature baseball varsity jacket. The sculpture itself was crafted in London, though will remain in Nevada until further announcement.
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