Stonia jumped back in the car and closed the door and pulled up through the gate to turn around and leave but the gate wouldnt open because she hadnt been buzzed in. I pulled up right behind her to put the pressure on her and the car behind us buzzed the gate open with their remote. She shot through the gate, sped up, turned around and tried to head out of the complex but I caught up and stayed behind her. I knew she was spooked that she was caught and that I stayed on her tail so she hit her breaks, I hit mine and my truck tapped the back of her car. I slammed the car in park and jumped out.
Okay, you see what you made me do you stupid bitch? I yelled at her as I walked up to her door. You bitches are looking for me? Here I go.
Yall looking for me right? What the f**k are you doing by my house? Stonia and her friend in the passenger seat jump out of the car and the friend said, You see what the f**k you did to my car?
Whatever, you did it to your own f**king car, I tossed back while looking down at the small crack my big metal bumper had made. She did it to your car because she slammed on the brakes really hard.
Bitch, this is a brand new car, the friend went on. Look what the f**k you did to my car you stupid bitch.
But you bitches were looking for me, right? Here I go.
I walked up to Stonia standing next to the open drivers side door and got in her face, we yelled and cursed at each other. Then her friend jumped and the three of us started slapping and pushing at each other,
we started to really fight. Before it could get too far a man came and tried to break up the fight while screaming at us to stop. Stonia got free and jumped in the car and I grabbed onto her arm and tried to pull her out of the car while I kicked at the car door.
Another man came out of nowhere, grabbed me hard and pushed me to the ground and I heard him say,
Get on the ground. Youre under arrest. I felt my stomach drop out as I realized that the two men were plainclothes cops and they saw me kicking in the door and trying to drag Stonia from the car. I screamed at them to let me up because my baby was in the car. They finally picked me up and took me over to the squad car and had me wait while the one that arrested me questioned the two girls. Then he questioned me and as I told him what happened he said,
The storys not adding up. Officer, I live here. You can see my license, I pulled my license out and showed him my address. I live here. I was going to pick up my kids. This is my sons sisters mother. We have the same childs father and theres been some beef for a while.
While I told him my story I was angry. I wanted to get out of the cop car and
go beat her ass but I knew that wasnt possible. That bitch came to my house and started trouble and the cops didnt care what I said.

Maam, I dont believe anything youre saying,
the officer told me. I believe you rammed this truck into the back of the car intentionally because if theyre trying to exit the development why were you behind them?
Sir, if you just listen to me. This is an ongoing situation. I just moved out of my sons fathers house. Id been living with him for a year. Shes always calling me and playing on the phone. Shes always threatening me that shes gonna do this or that. Shes over at my directory box and then took off so I wanted to confront her and ask her what she was doing here. Youre not going to ask them who theyre coming to visit or why theyre here?
The cop was not trying to hear any of it. He said I was the most aggressive one out of the three of us and that he saw me kick the door and pull
Stonia out of the car.
Did you ask them who they were coming to visit? I asked him
again, trying to make my point. I caught them at my directory box. They really need to explain to you who they were coming to visit and why they were here so you could see who was being aggressive. Thats what makes sense. You shouldnt want to know anything else except who the f**k are they are coming to see? They could be coming to kill me for all I f**king know. What the f**k is wrong with you?
Once I started cussing at the cop they put me under arrest for resisting arrest. They said that because I was being aggressive I had to go to jail.
So they pulled the handcuffs out and I backed away. Are you serious?
I cried. Wait a minute. My kids are at school. My babys in the car. What the f**k are you gonna do with my baby here? I need to leave and get my kids. I cant be going to jail. Sir, just let me go.
I lost it. The cop had taken out the handcuffs and when I realized they were going to put them on me I went berserk. I flipped out screaming and cussing and kicking at the cops.
Im going to taser you if you dont get over here, the officer told me but I kicked at him before he could grab me. He reached for me again, got me and slapped cuffs around my wrists. I yelled for people who were watching to help and call my mom so she could call her attorney then I screamed out my moms phone number.
Then I started in on the cop again. Im going to sue the Pembroke Pines Police Department you stupid muthaf**ka. This bitch is stalking me. Shes on my property. What the f**k are you gonna do with her? Please, if youre going to take me to jail will you please at least let me call my mom so she can get my kids from school and come and get my baby?
The officer went and got my cell phone out of the truck and came back and asked me,
Is that your baby in the back? Yeah, thats my baby.
Well, why isnt he in the car seat?
Well, if youd have listened to me, I was trying to explain. He pooped on himself this morning and missed daycare because he had a stomach virus and his car seat is at home. Its wet. I washed it out but it didnt dry yet. I live here, sir. His car seat is on my balcony. I can take you to my house and show you that its still damp. Thats why hes in a seatbelt.
Do you know you could have injured that child? he answered, clearly not caring about anything I just told him. Youre ramming your truck into the back of this car.
Sir, oh my God! I wouldnt dare ram my truck into the back of the car! I insisted. I was horrified he thought I would do such a thing. There was no way I rammed her car intentionally. I bumped her lightly and by accident because I didnt expect the car to break.
And your baby is not in a car seat The cop continued but I couldnt even really hear him.
I realized he was really arresting me and I began to cry hysterically so they put me in the back of the police car again.
I could see Stonia sitting on the other side of the small road with about 10 officers. It had become a huge ordeal for some reason. She and her friend agreed to give a recorded statement at the scene, separately.
The officers checked on
Lil Will and told me he was fine. He was still strapped in watching the TV in the back of the truck. I had put in one of his kiddie movies on before we left. They let me call my mom on my cell phone and I told her, Mom, please hurry up and get
DeAngelo and DeAndre from school. I just caught up with Stonia over here at my gate. I jumped out of the truck and we got in a fight. The police got me. Theyre taking me to jail.
Oh my God, are you serious? my mom screamed into the phone.
I knew she was gonna flip out. Yes, mom. Just get DeAngelo and DeAndre from school because theyve been out there for a little while. Just get somebody to go and get them.
My mom got on it, sent my sister Ebony to pick up the boys and came over to me making it there in 15 minutes when it usually took 30. And she didnt even drive herself because she doesnt, never drove a day in her life. But she was on the scene before the cops could take me anywhere and she had demands. I need my grandson. Give me my daughters keys and her purse. What are you charging her for? Whats your badge number? How the f**k are you taking her to jail on her property where she f**king lives here? These people could have been coming to harm her. What are you gonna do with them?
The officer responded, Nothing. Theyre not going to jail. She was the aggressive one. I saw her kicking the door and trying to pull this girl out of the car.
Well, do you know she lives here? my mom argued.

So what? Shes not the only one who lives here, the office informed her. This is not private property. This is a development. Other people here get visitors.
This is a gated community. This is where she lives. If shes telling you that theyve been having problems and both have kids from the same guy, you should know that. This persons coming to bother her or stalk her.
The cop didnt care what my mom had to say so my mother requested a Sergeant come to the scene. When the Sergeant got there she asked him a simple question. Can these girls give you a persons name and address that theyre coming here to see?
The Sergeant was polite to my mother but didnt follow up with an answer. He just said that I was very disrespectful and they were arresting me because of my
aggressive behavior. I was in the back of the cop car crying and screaming like a mental patient.
I couldnt believe that I was going to jailover this bitch. I begged my mom to do something but there was nothing she could do.
They took me to jail. They called my mom later that day and told her that I was being charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, the truck being the deadly weapon. The second change was battery and the third charge was
child neglect with no intent to harm because I left the child unattended in the truck. If I hadnt gotten out of the truck I wouldnt have gotten that charge at all. I was transported to
Broward County Jail and the bond was set at
$15,000, which meant we needed $1,500 to bail me out.
I sat in jail for like
seven hours before my mother could bring the money to bail me out. My friend T, who was married to Wills manager E-Class, picked me up from the jail. I asked her if she had heard from Will or if he had asked about me but she said no, just told me that E-Class asked what was up and what Stonia was doing showing up at my house. When I got home I asked my mom if Will called and I checked my cell phone but there were no calls.
I wasnt going to call him. I knew that if E-Class knew what was up then William did also. I looked in on the boys to make sure everyone was all right then laid down in bed and cried.
I had a criminal case and this muthaf**ka didnt even call to check on me or our son?